L e v e l - 15

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"Chris what the fuck was that?" Minho asked. Felix was in a state of shock, not responding to Jisung or Hyunjin's words. He only stared at his hand that once held Blythe's wrist.

"I'm trying to save her Minho. You got a fucking problem with that? Don't you care for her?" Chan answered.

"Everyone in this fucking room cares about her and we don't want to lose her. We deserve an explanation on why you're acting like this." Minho growled.

"Don't forget I'm the elder here, Lee Minho." Chan warned.

"Enough! Hyung you're too much! I've had enough!" Jeongin cried. "I trusted you but why can't you trust us?"

"Jeongin don't say—"

"Don't listen to him Jeongin. Tell us. Tell us everything you know." Minho said.

"You little shit you're getting on my nerves." Chan grabbed Minho by the collar, choking him slightly.

"I found a weird elevator and Chan-hyung was there. He told me I wasn't supposed to be there and said I can't tell anyone about it." Jeongin said. "He said it was dangerous and I have to go back."

"Chan let go of him." Changbin said. "Let go of him or I'll have to use force on you."

Chan huffed and let go of Minho. The boy could finally breathe and once he caught his breath he didn't hesitate to glare at Chan.

"You were the first one weren't you? Before Blythe even came he must have been like this already." Minho coughed. "You had your memories all this time didn't you?"

"Even you guy got weird things in your program?" Seungmin asked.

"Don't you get me Seungmin? Those are our memories. We're not AIs!"


Blythe jolted awake and rushed to her phone. She didn't care if she knocked things over or made too much noise.

"Noona? Is everything okay?" Her little brother knocked on the door, awoken by his sister.

"Why won't it work?" Blythe frantically tapped on the game's icon but it refused to open. She was in tears as her attempts didn't work. "Please Chan let me in."

The jingling of keys went unnoticed until the door opened. A frantic looking Park Jisung entered the room and kneeled in front of his sister. He took in her poor state— hair a mess, tears streaming down her face, and wide desperate eyes.

"Noona." Jisung quietly said. He didn't know what else to do so he hugged her, waiting for her to calm down. "Noona stop crying please. You look really ugly."

After a while, Blythe finally calmed down. She muttered her apologies to Jisung who only smiled.

"I'll call Kiya-noona. She's more updated with your life so she'll know what to do." Jisung led her to her bed before disappearing out her door. Moments later, Kiya burst in and pounced on Blythe.

"Hey are you okay? Do you need an ambulance?" Kiya asked, examining the girl.

"I'm not hurt physically." Blythe muttered, pushing her away.

"Okay maybe Sungie wasn't wrong when he said you were dying." Kiya sighed. "So? What happened? You were in their world weren't you?"

"So much happened I don't even know where to start." Blythe muttered. Jisung came back in with two mugs of hot chocolate.

"I already called Taeyong-hyung to bring me back to the dorms. I'll come check on you soon Noona." Jisung kissed his sister's cheek before leaving the room.

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