Before You Read...

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Protag-Kun's official name is Ren Amamiya, but I'm still using Akira Kurusu. If I ever use the official name it'll be for a RenxRyuji book. (Definitely not because Renren -3-)

Also, I'm still using my Akira Palace AU idea from my last Persona 5 book, Desire and Love. For those of you that haven't read, here's a quick summary:

Those that are Wild Cards (like Akira and Akechi) have Palaces, the difference from regular ones being that the Palace reflects their idea of a safe place and houses their many personas and memories from their past.
If the Wild Card has a distorted desire then the Palace distorts like normal to reflect a place they feel unsafe.
For example: In Desire and Love Akira's Palace was a mansion on a tropical island, but after suffering abuse Akira gained the distorted desire to kill himself and his Palace turned into a warped prison.
It is also possible for Wild Cards to enter their Palaces through sleep, like dreaming.

To make things clear: THIS IS NOT A SEQUEL/CONTINUATION OF DESIRE AND LOVE. That was AkiraxYusuke. This is AkiraxAkechi.

If you guys didn't know already, I'm really fuckin lazy. So most of the dates and order of events in this book will be incorrect in terms of the game.

Also, Akira's backstory is different in this book too. What is it you ask?

You'll have to read to find out :D

Hope you enjoy~!

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