Chapter 8

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(3rd Person)

As everyone stood in shock at the new revelation of Francine's power, (Y/N) decided to finally start the match by charging forward with his Evil Energy wings assisting him with his flight. Francine stood still, instead clenching her fist as (Y/N) raised his right fist to attack. However, just as he got in front of her, (Y/N) quickly changed direction to face the girl from behind and deliver a powerful strike that made Francine gasp and go flying straight into the air.

Almost all in Heaven fell on their backs as (Y/N) didn't waste a beat by going straight after her leaving behind both a crater and a broken sound barrier as he appeared in front of Francine mid-air. He quickly had to move his head to the right as (Y/N) watched Francine fire what seemed to be a beam of white, he clenched his right fist, slamming it straight into Francine who went flying back down and slamming into the arena below.

When (Y/N) landed on the ground he grew a small smile as he saw Francine immediately stand back up, it quickly became his usual glare as he saw the white flames burn intensely on Francine's back and eyes.

(Y/N): 'That's weird... I don't recall my Uncle having white fires for eyes nor white fire wings when he used his Holy Wrath... is it possible that Francine is a stronger user of it? Or perhaps Adam can control it since he seems more experienced?'.

His thoughts were cut off when Francine's wing slammed down, (Y/N) was grazed by it as he barely dodged to his right, jumping away from the intense heat while lightly tapping his face.

(Y/N): It's lucky... normally a devil would've been vaporised by something like that, after all, they have a natural weakness to light. However, because I'm only part devil thanks to my abilities...

(Y/N) lifted his hand to show almost no damage as only a few tiny burn marks were left behind.

(Y/N): It only stings me... I've still got this fight in the bag.

Francine only smirked, crouching as her wings flexed.

Francine: I wouldn't say that, who says I was just going for you?

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow in confusion... but then he noticed an alarming detail: only one of Francine's wings were on her back, he looked around to find it nowhere... that was until he was ambushed by said wing suddenly appearing from the massive slice in the arena floor, he quickly held his arms up covering them both in Evil Energy as he gritted his teeth from taking the attack.

Francine: I took advantage of your time to explain to me how my Holy Wrath won't affect you, hiding one of the wings underground to strike you when you least expected it... bet it's more than a sting now, huh?

(Y/N): 'Her demeanour's changed completely! This means that attitude that was like Asia's was a fake after all... this is the real Francine Foster!'.

The Evil Energy wielder used his arms to push the Holy Wrath back to Francine who was still smirking as her Holy Wrath morphed back into a wing on her back, Francine looked up at the crowd suddenly.

Francine: Papa's always wanted me to be the perfect woman, one who'll be married off and carry on our legacy, our bloodline. I never cared for any dresses or long hair or anything like that! Screw being a prissy innocent little bitch! I've always wanted to be free, and now thanks to you beating me down like that, you freed me, and Papa won't force me back since everyone's seen it now!

(Y/N): You were saying about taking advantage while I was talking, maybe you should pay more attention before you drop your guard.

Francine: What's that?

Suddenly, Francine felt something striking her back, she turned, only to see nothing and yet again her back being struck. She kept trying to find the assaulter but saw nothing as (Y/N) shook his head, placing a hand on his hip.

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