Question 7

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"Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?" They stopped at that one, and Cas reread the card.

"Well that went dark quick." He commented.

"0-100 real quick," Dean agreed. "I thought these questions were supposed to be fun."

"Some of them are fun, but they're all supposed to invoke a deeper connection between you and your partner," Cas offered. "Didn't you read the sign up sheet?"

"I just saw the words 'excused from class' and I signed up."


"Hey, math class is hell. I'd do anything to get out of there."

"Agreed." Cas nodded. He glanced at the notecard. "So....any idea?"

"Honestly?" Dean cringed.

"All of these are answered honestly."


"Wait, really?"

"Yeah, I have a guess. I hope I'm wrong, but I have a guess."

"What is it?" 

"Uh," Dean rubbed at the back of his neck awkwardly. "Rather not say."

"Oh. Well... Can I at least have a hint?" Dean sighed.

"I think I'm going to be murdered." He admitted.

"No, seriously, Dean,"

"I am being serious." Cas paused.

"Why would you think you're going to be murdered?" Dean shrugged.

"Not everyone in the world is a nice person, Cas. Guess I just figure one of the bad guys are going to get to me first."

"That's horrible."

"It's just a hunch."

"It's still awful."

"Well, what about you? Any thought on how you're going to die?" Cas thought for a minute.

"After a life well lived," He said. "That's all I've really got."

"Well, better than being murdered."

"For what it's worth," Cas added as Dean reached for the next card. "I hope you're not murdered." Dean smiled softly.

"I hope so too, Cas. I really do."

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