Question 16

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"What do you value most in a friendship?"

"Honesty and humor," Cas replied. "I want my friends to tell me the truth, but I also want them to be funny. Boring friends are no fun at all."

"Trust, but also respect of privacy," Dean went on. "I want my friend and I to be able to tell each other everything, but also for them to not pry when there's something I'd rather not bring up. So when I say 'you can't go over my house,' I want them to understand that it's not because I don't want them to come over, it's because it's safer for everyone if they don't."

"Makes sense,"

"And you've got a point with humor too. You need someone who has similar interests."

"Someone who will understand my jokes and get my references,"

"Exactly. Opposites may attract in relationships, but friendships? Not as much."

"Agreed. Next?" 

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