Question 24

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"How do you feel about your relationship with your mother?"

"Welp...." Dean offered.

"Nonexistent," Cas replied. "My mother didn't want to be around me the day I was born. Why should I bother having a relationship with her now?"

"That sucks, Cas."

"Hey, it could be worse. Just look at your dad."

"No, Cas. Everybody needs a mother."

"Well, I've got Anna. She may be my sister, but she's the closest to a mother I'm ever gonna get, and she's good enough."

"If you say so,"

"I do. Your turn."

"Um," Dean made a face. "I mean, we're okay, I guess. But my mom, she's just.... she's not really there anymore, you know? Sure, she's physically there, but she's distant. She barely talks to me anymore. Whether that has anything to do with Adam or my dad or something else, I don't know, but we're just not as close as we used to be."

"Well that stinks,"

"Yeah, I know. But I don't want to pressure her into talking to me if she doesn't want to."

"You can't just let her stay quiet forever though, Dean. She has to talk at some point."

"Last time I really heard her talk was at Dad's trial. They put us all up on the stand, asked us questions about dad. They asked us for the whole truth and well, she gave it to them. But now... part of me wonders if she;s just afraid to talk now."

"The more you talk about her, the more I want to send a hitman and a therapist to your house."

"Both are expensive. Choose wisely."

"Pretty sure Luci knows a hitman. Maybe he can get me a discount."

"That would be nice."

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