Question 25

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"Make three true "we" statements each. For instance, we are both in this room feeling..."

"Well for starters, we're not in a room," Cas said sarcastically. 

"So this is going to be the sarcasm question?"


"Okay, well in that case," Dean pinched his nose so that his voice would sound weird and yelled obnoxiously, "We are both in this room feeling a greater appreciation for humanity." Cas burst out laughing.

"Where did THAT come from?"

"What, like your English teacher doesn't sound like that?"

"Who, Douchey Marv? Of COURSE he sounds like that. Dead on impression."

"I know."

"Seriously though. We are both feeling...."


"Jokes on you, I tan before I sunburn."

"Lucky. My number of freckles just triples and then I burn."

"You do have a lot of freckles..."

"I know. We are both feeling.....geeky."

"We're both feeling....brutally honest."

"Both feeling.....different than when we walked into school this morning?"

"Different how?"

"Like.... good different. Like we got a lot of stuff off our chests and that feels good."

"Yeah. I can see that."

"Was that three?"

"Counting sunburn it was four."

"See, we should be getting paid for this. We're doing more work than we have to."

"What, do you wanna walk up to a broke college student and go 'I spilled my dark secrets, pay me!"

"I dare you to say that to him when we're done."

"No way!"

"Alright fine.....I double dare you."

"Double dog dare?"


"Okay fine."

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