Question 29

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"Share with your partner an embarrassing moment in your life."

"Well that makes sense," Cas insisted.

"How does that make sense?"

"We've shared good and bad memories, so you get to see each other at your best and your worse. Might as well include the embarrassing to get the full spectrum. Smart."

"You sure you don't want to write the dude's paper for him? I have a feeling he'd beg you."

"Eh, not worth it."

"Are we at Question 30 yet? I was promised lifesavers."

"29. One to go."


"Embarrassing. Go."

"Is yours the day you had 'I've got genital herpes' written on your head?"

"While that was utterly humiliating, I'm sure I can think of something else."

"What about screaming the Big Bang Theory theme song and falling off the stage?" Cas grinned.

"Well at least now I know you've been listening."

"Of course I've been listening, you're interesting."

"Did you know that you're the first person to ever call me interesting?"

"You gotta be joking."


"How has NO ONE said that? You're super interesting!" Cas smiled wider.

"If you say so."

"Okay, embarrassing, embarrassing..... Oh god, I got one."

"Let's hear it."

"I dunno, this might be too embarrassing to share, even with you."

"Just share it! Come on, can't be worse than anything else you've told me."

"Alright alright, but NO JUDGING."

"Promise." Dean's face went red just thinking about it.

"I was, what, twelve? And I went to a Halloween party where we played Truth or Dare,"


"But it was twelve year old truth or dare, you know? Do the dare or die or something. Double dog dares were all or nothing."


"And Rhonda Hurley dared me to try on a pair of her underwear, and they were pink and satiny." Cas burst out laughing. "I SAID NO JUDGING!"

"I'm not judging, I'm laughing!" Dean swatted at him.

"I hate you,"

"No you don't, you hate Rhonda Hurley's pink panties!"

"I never said I hated it,"

"OH MY GOD," Cas laughed harder.

"You realize that now I'm going to laugh twice as hard at whatever you're going to say, right?"


"Time to spill the beans, you stupid loophole finding geek. Most embarrassing moment." Cas slowly stopped laughing.

"Um, does it count if I don't remember it, but my siblings do and refuse to let me live it down?"


"Okay, well then, when I was three or four,"

"An adorable image, I'm sure,"

"I had this weird obsession with bees?"


"Like, I liked bees, okay! I thought they were interesting! Bumblebees specifically, because they wouldn't sting me. And there was this one day where it was really sunny out, and all the bees were out so I wanted to find one, but Dad wouldn't let me go outside because Lucifer was grounded and Anna had a cold so he had to stay inside with them and he didn't want me getting kidnapped from the front yard or something,"

"Make sense,"

"So I got mad, and decided to strip naked and go running around the backyard screaming about bees." Dean lost it. "And it wasn't like I was just yelling BEES or something, no. I was screaming HONEY BEES MUST GATHER NECTAR FROM TWO MILLION FLOWERS TO MAKE ONE POUND OF HONEY."

It was at least five minutes before Dean could stop laughing.He sighed, sprawled out on the grass, wiping his eyes.

"I don't think I've ever laughed that hard in my life." He admitted. Cas laid opposite him, their heads nearly touching.

"Glad to make you laugh then,"

"It's good to laugh at yourself every now and then,"



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