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john's pov

everything's perfect.

in my terms.

i have y/n, a regular sleep schedule, all things sorted out with jeze and deva, and overall bliss.

my recording and streaming have been better than ever, and i fired artware because i always will get my work from the best, y/n.

i love her so much and i dont want to ever change that.


y/n's pov

everything's perfect.

in my terms.

i have john, deva stopped bothering me, and im able to move in with john so i can work under him (full time). i dont regret any of it.

i love him so much and i dont want to ever change that.


third person pov

y/n and john was looking out to the sunset together out in the balcony.

"im so glad im with you." y/n smiled against john's chest as she hugged him ever so tightly.

"me too." john smiled and petted her hair.

"im so glad we're both together."



150 words

bless john's existence.

have a yeehaw day c:

insanely in love ☠ kryozgamingWhere stories live. Discover now