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Katsurou didn't bother making friends until he heard it from his mom one day.

"You know, Katsurou, your dad was kinda horrible at making friends too, back in the day, you know?" Izuku says, "he was such a bully..."

And so Katsurou, in his lifelong goal to overthrow his father and become the number one hero and have his mum love him more than that good for nothing never home freak, decided that he needs to have good friends, but everyone is scared of his claws, aside from that weirdly strong kid who brings wooden tonfas to school and calls everyone a herbivore aside from him.

Katsurou tries to be friends with him, and so that guy, named Kyoya, gave him a test to prove his carnivore-ship to him or something, they tussled, Katsurou won because he has tough scales Kyoya's weird flame quirk can't crack. Their hang outs usually consists of wresting each other, beating shady people up in the name of Hibari or trying to enforce rules to the other kids in their kindergarten.

Kyoya is weird, all he eats is meat. Katsurou calls him a wuss for giving Katsurou the pickles of his hamburger but it's free pickles so of course Katsurou eats it, his mum told him never to waste food after all.

Yesterday he gave a girl her original ice cream back and now he made another friend. She doesn't seem to have any sort of self preservation as she came over and hugged Kyoya, Kyoya never lets anyone hug him but.

"Get off." Is all he says, the girl, named Nagi, just giggled and hugs Katsurou instead, Katsurou patted her back because that's what his mom does to him.

And so they all became friends, and his mom was very happy about it.

Of course his stupid dad is just looking at Katsurou like he's a weirdo or something, speaking of his dad, he still hasn't forgiven him for last time. Sure, he's spending a week with them now but Katsurou demanded that he stayed with them for a week like a month ago-

"Katchukun, have some snacks?" So her mom thought junk food is okay but ice cream is not? Well it's free food, Katsurou takes some chips off her bag and she smiles bright at him.

"Hm, Carnivores should not eat a herbivore's food."

"It's potato chips Kyo-kun, eat some."

"I refuse."

Katsurou takes a chip and shoves it in Hibari's mouth, making sure that the ravenette got every single chunk swallowed down before he released him.

"There, was it that bad?"

"..." Hibari hits him with a tonfa.


And then they 'play' again and Nagi cheers for them in awe.

They only stopped when class is back in session again, Katsuki thinks it's stupid, they've been doing 1+1 and 2+2 for awhile now, his mom back at home is already teaching him to multiply and divide and properties and stuff, why does he need to study for this?

"Katchukun, do you know what 7+5 is?"

"It's 12."

"Huh?" Just to make sure, Nagi still counts by herself and she gasps, "Wow! Katchukun is correct!"

"Of course I am!" He puffs up his chest a bit, Nagi smiles at him bright, from that point on, Katsurou decided it upon himself that he should also be the number 1 hero so he can fight Nagi's mum, or dad because her dad situation is probably the same as him, makes big money but never goes home.

You can't hug money for comfort and he's 100% sure that his mom won't stop crying at night when he thinks Katsurou is asleep if his dad just threw money at them, they live comfortably but he's not happy that his stupid douchebag of a father is getting away with not being a father. Which is why Katsurou wants to grow up soon, so he can marry his mum instead and he won't be sad anymore because he'll have a husband who's actually there-

Katsuki's journey to parenthood ( BNHA medusa au ficlet )Where stories live. Discover now