15.4 Revelation

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The first one to break the record is Kun Shao. He pushed the door with a force until the hinges screamed from being broken. Two doors flew to the side with a bang quickly integrating the image of the room. Lang Yuan came after the former general, while the emperor went behind the empress to protect him from any possible attacks.

Kun Shao quickly scanned the room and found the bloodied body of Zhong Song on the ground. There was a pool of blood soaking on its light colored clothes while his hand is still holding a crumpled paper. The usually rosy cheek of the kind scholar is gone. It was replaced by a dark colored paleness that showed that his body had lost a lot of blood.

This scene caused Kun Shao to suddenly feel fear.

Yes, the strongest general felt a sudden fear.

Beside the bloody scholar is the crying nephew. JiDan is holding Zhong Song's head, trying to pat and shake him with the hopes that it will wake his uncle up. There is panic on his eyes as he bit his lower lip trying to remember any healing spell that could help Zhong Song to recover. However, JiDan has still not entered the age of cultivation and only learned processes on books that on action. His muddled head also added to this factor.

When he found the gardener entered, JiDan quickly found hope as he called out for help. But Kun Shao seems to be frozen. He is only watching JiDan as he call his name, tears flowing on his cheeks. However, Kun Shao could not hear anything. He can see but he can't tell what the emperor's son is saying. His focus is mainly on the dying Zhong Song... this might be his last breath...

When Lang Yuan arrived after the general, he quickly found the bloody scene. His reaction time is much better than Kun Shao is. He hurriedly rushed towards the crying son and the bloody Zhong Song. He first checked the state of his son that also has blood on his clothes. JiDan is crying and the presence of his mother made him cry more.

"M-mother... I-I just c-came back... t-then I found someone... H-he stabbed..." JiDan tried to explain the events clearly but he is obviously anxious. Lang Yuan tried to calm him down. He took Zhong Song's pulse and found a faint thump. His eyes brightened and told the emperor and the general that Zhong Song is still alive.

"Then-" Yu XueQin already ordered a number of his shadow guards to call the physician when he found a movement from the corner of the room. Kun Shao also found the movement and stared at the corner where the darkness resides. Lang Yuan noticed the silence of the two and looked up. He followed the trail of their eyes and looked around.

Suddenly, three thin silver irons flew out from that direction and is headed towards Lang Yuan. The youth tried to cover his self preparing for the pain when a shadow loom over him. Yu XueQin is there to block the attack. He also used the momentum to give an attack in return for the favor. A man wearing with black cloak appeared from the shadow that jumped out from the window to avoid the attack.

"Chase him!" Kun Shao hurriedly followed behind the figure and flew out from the window. Yu XueQin only needed to look at his shadow guards to tell them to follow suit.

It is night so the human realm is silent in slumber. A normal family could have been sleeping under a good roof, spending the nighttime with a good dream. They are warmed by the security of the house, unafraid of disaster. However, if one would listen carefully, they will hear light shuffling on the roofs as if someone is running above it.

Nimble steps scraped the brick roofs as men covered by the shadow ran on the roofs. The one being chased is wearing a black over alls - a hood that covered its face and a cloak that has shredded edges. Its speed equaled the speed of sound undetected to the normal eyes. Though, despite this pace, the god killer seems to be relaxed as if they are just playing tag.

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