Chapter 3

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  With the very handsome men looking at you like a snack, you stand their looking at them wondering who is who. Jin speaks up and says, "Brothers, I know she looks divine, but you should introduce yourselves."
  As you stand their blushing, one man who is tall and has blonde hair speaks first, "My name is Zeus, God of the Sky, but you can call me Namjoon." He smiles after introducing himself showing his dimples to you causing you to shyly smile back.

  Another man steps forward and introduces himself with all bight smiles and goofiness with black hair. He says, "My name is Poseidon, God of the Sea, but only you can call me Jhope or Hobi." You felt that he was the jokester of the group and felt all nice and warm inside causing you to blush at his up closeness.

The last one seemed suspicious of you wanting to feel the connection that are really Apollos' daughter. Once he felt that connection he introduced himself to you, "Hello, my name is Dionysus, God if Wine, Madness, and Theatre, pleasure to meet you." After he said this he grabbed a hold of your hand and kissed the back of it. This action caused the other boys to be jealous and made you blush really red. "You can also call me Taehyung or V," he said with a wink and a smirk.

"Now that we introduced everybody-" he said.

He got interrupted by you saying, "I thought their were seven."

Namjoon says, "Well we haven't introduced all of the brothers but are you prepared to take and adventure with us, Y/n."

"The trip won't be easy," said Jhope.

"You guys are not changing my mind about not going," you said.

"Alright, then it is settled tomorrow morning we set out to meet the other three," Jin says.

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