26. Around Every Corner

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I lean against the bridal suite door trying to catch my breath. I feel my throat scratch with every heaving breath I take. My head is still fuzzy from everything that took place in the matter of ten minutes. I really wish I drank more so I could be oblivious to what's happening.

I drop my heels next to my clutch that I also drop onto the floor. I sit on the large soft loveseat that is pushed against the window opposite of the door.I tuck my feet under me and wrap my arms around myself trying to find comfort that I'm in desperate need of.

It's him. My ex fiancé. Kyle is my attacker. I'm not sure how I didn't realize it was him before. His piercing blue eyes that were once filled with love and happiness have turned cold and dark. His touch that once brought me comfort brings me chills. How could someone who claimed to have loved me want to hurt me? What is he even doing here? I know Avery would have never let him set foot in here after what he did with my sister.

My breathing has finally steadied from me bolting away from Kyle down the hallway that we were standing in and up to the suite. I doubt he knows where I went and I caught him off guard when I sprinted off. The last I seen of him was him turning the corner as I entered the elevator.

I take a deep breath trying to compartmentalize everything from tonight. How could such a good day go to shit so fast?

A loud thud on the door makes me jump,could it be Kyle? Did he find where I went?

"Hey Ev it's Tessa are you in here? Avery sent me to find you and I don't have a key card to get in. I really hope you're in there so I'm not looking stupid talking to a door." She giggles.

Relief floods my body knowing it's not Kyle at the door. I slowly get up to answer the door. Before I open the door I check the peep hole just double checking it's just her.Im taking all the precautions I can until I know I'm completely safe.

As I open the door Tessa prances in while I stick my head out looking both ways making sure it's clear of Kyle.

"Are you okay Ev? Who are you looking for and why are you so jumpy?" She questions me as I close the door firmly behind me.

"I'm fine I just came up here to make sure Ave didn't leave anything in here that she'll need in the honeymoon suite later." I lie shocking myself with how fast I was able to answer.

"Umm.. okay well my sister is wondering where you went and to get you so you are front row for the bouquet toss." She informs me looking bored and annoyed.

"Oh okay I'll be right down I just need to put my heels back on and I'll be there. Can't have the bride angry." I try joking with her as I walk over to grab my heels.

My heart rate starts to increase again when I realize I don't want to walk back to the reception alone. I'm not sure where Kyle is but I'm not going to be caught alone again.

"Hey Tessa! Wait for me I'll walk with you." I yell as I see her just a few steps outside the door. I hurry to her side glancing around double checking behind us every few moments. Ever shadow is bringing more anxiety to me and I just need to get downstairs. Hopefully Kyle has left but I have a feeling he's still around here somewhere.

"Finally! I was wondering where you went I had to send Tessa to find you since you've been missing!" Avery scolds me right as I walk into the reception.

"Sorry I went up to the room to see if you left anything you needed for the night before you left. You know, maid of honor duties and all..." I shrug back at her.

"Well hurry up to the dance floor I'm about to throw the bouquet and I want you front row!" She pushes me towards the dance floor where I see young girls and girls about mine and Avery's age line up.

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