2 Fire

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"Kat, Kat, Kat, Kat!"

"What is it Cindy?" I roll my eyes as she catches up to me, completely losing her breath. She's tiny, so I can imagine how hard it must be for her to follow my big steps.

"Where are you going?" She asks as she falls in line with me. I'm in a rush, and I really have no time to watch where I'm going as I step over the campus grass. Maybe it's prohibited, but I never get caught.

"The library." I answer simply. I have a paper to write due tomorrow and I have completely forgotten about it.

"And then?"

"I'm going home."

"And then?"

I stop at the entrance of the large building, placing my hand on the door knob. I turn to Cindy with a raised eyebrow.

"What do you mean 'and then'? I'm done with the day." I say but she shakes her head.

"I mean, do you have any plans later tonight?" She asks, clutching her books tightly to her chest. Some students walk past us and we have to move to the side to allow them to pass. Some boys regard her figure but she keeps her eyes on me, completely oblivious to them. I find it adorable how unaware she is of the attention she gets and definitely deserves.

"Uh, maybe?" I answer weirdly. She grins smugly and shifts her weight.

"Just say it, dummy." She smiles. "I was thinking we could go to the movies but if you have plans with your boy, then we'll go during the weekend."

"He's not my boy." I mumble, rolling my eyes. It only gets me a chuckle from Cindy.

"Whatever you say." She raises her hands and walks down the steps. "Text me if you change your plans."

I nod even though she can't see me and enter the library building. I'm usually a good student and I don't have a tendency of forgetting about my assignments, but I've been forgetful lately. And it's not for all the bad reasons. With my mom being home, I'm spending so much time with her I barely catch up with school. I study what I want and feel like studying but everything else is becoming a bother for me. So I postpone everything and then end up in a stressful situation like this.

I've already grabbed a coffee for myself to keep me awake, because I haven't slept well last night, and I already have the paper made in my mind, so all it takes is just to type it out.

But even that is hard, especially when every sentence seems like a jumbled mess when I put it in. So I constantly have to rewrite and change up the entire point. I'm entirely focused, but it's hard to stay focused when hungry and thirsty. I push my thoughts in the back of my mind and furiously press the keyboard, just finishing my paper. I don't even want to think about how badly it is written, I only want to be done with it already. My phone lets out a small ding and I grab it annoyingly.

I'll pick you up in ten.

I groan and let him know I'm still at the library, to which he just says he'll pick me up here. I didn't even notice how fast time flew by and how long I've been sitting here. When I glance at the clock I realise it's about fifteen minutes before the library closes, so I hurry to write the last few sentences before packing my things in my bag and walking out in the fresh air. It's chilly so I have to warm up myself by rubbing my hands together. The night is starting to fall, and it's so delicately creating an ombré pattern that I zone out into it. I don't know what's with me and the sky, but I seem to be getting captivated everytime I look up at it.

The sound of the engine forces me to look down and I see Wes's sleek car pull up into the parking. I walk down the stairs a little faster since I can't wait to sit in a warm car. As I reach it I see Wes is already standing outside of it, leaning on the opened door. He stretches out his hand for him to take my bag and I shrug it off my shoulders, placing it in his palm. He looks me up and down as I open the door and enter the car, immediately feeling its warmth. He throws in my bag before walking around to the driver's side. As he enters and places his fingers on the key, I sigh at the butt warmers that make me forget the cold.

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