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Y/n patiently waits for Grayfia too finish her torturing session with Sirzechs.
Grayfia:This is for my little baby boy..
She said and once again thrust the sword in between his crotch.
Sirzechs: Ahhhh"sob" no more please.. I'm sorry... I'm sorry...
He said while screaming in pain.
Grayfia: this is for all...the people you killed and tortured...
Once again she thrust FROSTMOURNE in between his crotch but instead of stopping there she thrust her sword again and again with rage in her eyes,slowly Sirzechs eyes lost all of its colours and his muscles starts to shrink until there's no fat in them as if the very life and soul from his body is being sucked out of him.

Once again she thrust FROSTMOURNE in between his crotch but instead of stopping there she thrust her sword again and again with rage in her eyes,slowly Sirzechs eyes lost all of its colours and his muscles starts to shrink until there's no fat in ...

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Y/n: STOP! Grayfia... he's already dead.
Y/n hurriedly came towards her and pull her into a warm hug and tries to calm her down...
Y/n: It's okay...he's already dead.. Grayfia.
He gently stroked her hair and looked at the lifeless body of Sirzechs and then a small ball made of fire starts to materialize on his fingertip,he burned the lifeless body of Sirzechs before summoning a portal and walks in it with Grayfia.

Sona and others from SITRI household gathered all the remaining Devils from Gremory Household and the Fallens from the Fallen faction, despair can be seen in their eyes as they looked at Serafall and the shadow lich besides her in fear... suddenly a portal opened up infront of them, two silhouette steps out of the portal...the Fallens and the Devils from Gremory Household paled on seeing Y/n and immediately kneels down on to their knees...and didn't dare too raise their heads in his presence..
Serafall: Grayfia-chan! Darling!
She said cheerfully.
Y/n: Where's Sensei?
He asked her.
???: Here.
He heard a familiar hoarse voice...and turned his head at the Direction of the voice and saw Tannin in his human form.


Y/n: Sensei

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Y/n: Sensei...when did you got that...
He asked Tannin while pointing at the tattoo..
Tannin: ahh"blush" this..
Y/n chuckles on seeing his master Red face.
Y/n: So... who's she..
Y/n asked Tannin with a shit-eating grin on his face.
Tannin: "cough" I don't know what are you talking about..
He said
Y/n: hah...Really?
Tannin nods his head

Y/n told Scathach and his other queens that he is going to visit the other world's or universes with Tohru, Grayfia,Iris and Akeno in search for his family at first they became sad on hearing this but when they heard that Y/n can visit them anytime they want... their sad face turned into a happy one but first Y/n have to inform Serafall and others that he will be leaving for sometime..

Yasaka: but...we will miss you..
She said with a saddened face, Y/n smiles before pulling her into a hug.
Y/n: don't be sad I can visit you any time you just have to think about me and my heart will know that my beautiful foxy is remembering me.
He said and stroke her hair gently.
Y/n nods his head with a warm smile on his face.
Y/n: where's my little princess and little champ..
He asked her..
Yasaka:"chuckles" they are in Kunou's room....
Both y/n and Yasaka heads towards Kunou room while holding each other's hands.
Y/n slowly opened the door and walks inside with Yasaka, he saw Kunou teaching Millicas how to control nature energy...
Kunou: try to sense it once again.
She said
Millicas: Yes,Kunou-neechan.
He said diligently, Kunou smiles and pat his head gently... she's about to teach him more about Nature energy but stopped when she saw Y/n.
Kunou/Millicas: Y/n-nii/ Uncle.

He said his goodbyes to everyone and left the tomb with Tohru, Grayfia, Iris and Akeno.
She nods her head and opened up a portal to another universe.
Y/n: Shall we.
But before entering it he created a powerful barrier around them so that no harm can befall on Grayfia and Akeno.

A crack in space appears inside of a forest near the outskirts of The Kingdom of Camelot, slowly the crack starts to take form of a gate. Five silhouette steps out of it...A handsome young man and beside him stands  Four beautiful goddess whose beauty cannot be describe in some mere words.
Y/n: hmm...a Forest?
He said before closing his eyes for a moment as if he is trying to look for something, few seconds later he opened his eyes and looked at Iris, Akeno, Tohru and Grayfia.
Y/n: there's a kingdom ahead of us..
He said with.
Akeno: Kingdom?
He nods his head
Iris: looks like we are in a medieval world...hmm I sense demons,Angels and few unknown races...
She said with a smile on her face..

It took them a minute to come out from the forest and then from there it took them 10 minutes to reach the Kingdom,if they wanted they could have reach the Kingdom in less than a second but since they don't want to draw too much attention on them because they don't know anything about this world and the dangers lurking inside the shadows.

[Old man]Guard: Halt...Sir you have to pay 10 copper coins to enter the Kingdom.
He said respectfully, but what he didn't know that someone is looking inside his head for information..
Y/n:"smiles" here...
He gave a gold coin to the old man.
Old man [guard]: S..Sir...t..this....
Y/n: take it old man...
He said before entering the Kingdom with Tohru, Iris, Grayfia and Akeno.
Old man: Thankyou..
He muttered underneath his breath.
"you're welcome.."
Old man eyes widened in shock when he heard the familiar voice in his mind...