Chapter 8: "I Don't Want You Talking To Ben Anymore."

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I woke up on time in the morning only thanks to Y/N's constant pestering. We curled up together for a few minutes before she ordered me to get up and get dressed with the threat of turning into Allison.

Jokingly, I pretended to push her off the bed before saying that I only wanted to snuggle with her. It was the truth, after all.

Every time I see Y/N, my heart thumps faster and I find myself at a loss for words. When I look at her I get lost in her gorgeous e/c eyes. Her h/l h/cd h/c hair is the prettiest thing I have ever seen.

Her beauty is infinite; her smooth s/c skin, marred by nothing and her lilting voice with the sound of a thousand mellifluous harmonies Even her name Y/N was beautiful. In my mind, flowers surround her name. Just saying it out loud sends a rush through my body.

However, I have kept my feelings under lock and key in the deepest recesses of my heart. She certainly wouldn't reciprocate my love. A goddess like her deserves someone better. I hide my unrequited love under layers of sarcasm yet my heart pines for her all the time.

Training that day passed by in a blur and it was break time before I knew it. Throughout the day, I had been hatching an elaborate plan to buy Y/N a gift to celebrate her one week anniversary of being part of the Umbrella Academy.

After emptying out my miniscule moneybox, I had decided to buy Y/N flowers as they were simple and cost-friendly. Also, I remembered a time when she had mentioned that her favourite flowers were f/f.

Once Reginald dismissed us, I dashed out of the gym. I knew Y/N was distracted, talking to Klaus and thus she would not notice my disappearance. I wanted to wear a regular outfit as to not seem to conspicuous but I unfortunately did not own any.

I headed to the nearest florist anyway, as I needed to purchase something for Y/N. Once in the shop, I signaled the lady in charge to let her know I required assistance.

"Why hello there, young man! Welcome to Bed Of Roses, your neighbourhood flower shop! How can I help you today?", she asked cheerily. I hated the title 'young man' and it was with a grin of clenched teeth that I replied "I am looking for f/f, please. Do you stock that here?"

Shock at my way of speaking was evident in her facial expressions. She nodded and beckoned for me to follow her. "How many would you like, sir?" "I would like the average amount that is generally in a bouquet," I said coldly.

The woman wrapped up the blooms I had selected in a neat parcel and presented it to me. Quickly paying the cashier, I left the florist and began strolling home.

Upon reaching the Umbrella Academy, I instantly set to searching for Y/N. Some voices coming from the gym attracted my attention and I stealthily snuck to the door.

I could see Y/N and Ben hanging out and she appeared to be reassuring him. Must be about his power, I supposed. He disliked it as he felt he was nothing more than a beast. I myself found him to be extremely strong.

A wave of jealousy ripped through me. I'm way handsomer than him! I'm her favorite anyway! My inner monologue told me I was being obnoxious and controlling but I chose to ignore it.

"You're clearly the most powerful among us," her voice drifted over to me. My vision turned red. I was the one who had taken her in and this is what she says? Anger coursed through my veins.

I realised I was still clutching the bouquet. I carefully unwrapped it and destroyed it. I broke the stalk in half. I tore the petals off. I stepped all over them, squashing them even more. Soon, I was surrounded by the remains of flowers.

I ran to my room, hiding from what I had done. I regretted it slightly, but was still filled with a feeling of betrayal and anger towards Y/N. How could she do this to me? She doesn't even think I'm the most powerful.

About 10 minutes later, Y/N entered the room. "Oh, there you are, Five! I've been looking all over for you!" I ignore here, pretending to be obsessed with my novel. She moved the book away from my face and snapped her fingers. "Hey, I'm talking to you. Why did you destroy those poor flowers? They never did anything to you."

"They didn't, but you did," I said under my breath. "What did you say? You know, you really should quit mumbling," Y/N asked. I rolled my eyes and turned away.

"I don't want you talking to Ben anymore," I ordered her, the words slipping out one by one.  I felt horrible, but I had no idea to get myself out of this pit without exposing my true feelings. "Oh really? Well Five, I'm not sure if you know this, but you're not the boss of me," she deadpans. I can tell she's getting upset.

"Look Five, just tell me what's going on. Don't shut me out like this. You're turning back to who you were when we first met," she says, her voice cracking. I act as though she hasn't said anything and continue thumbing through my book.

"Fine," Y/N's tone hardens, "Be like that. See if I care." She storms out of the room, slamming the door on her way out. As soon as she leaves, I want to apologise and try to make everything right again, but I can't. I've said things I can't take back.

That night, I expected dinner to be awkward, considering I have to sit next to Y/N. However, I was completely wrong. Y/N seated herself between Ben and Klaus and sneakily whispered to them the entire meal. I pretended to be paying attention to Herr Carlson but to be honest I couldn't care less.

After we both got in our pajamas, by tacit consent we both turned off our bedside lamps and went to bed. For the first time, Y/N placed the bolster between us and turned her back to me. The tension in the room was palpable.

I reached my hand out, tempted to tell her to turn back, to say sorry, but my pride won't let me. My hand dropped to my side and I closed my eyes.

The last thing I heard before I went to sleep was Y/N's quiet sobbing from beside me.

A/N thank you so much for 200+ reads!
Lots of love❤💛💚💙💜💖💋, Quill

A/N thank you so much for 200+ reads! Lots of love❤💛💚💙💜💖💋, Quill

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☆*♡Over and Out♡*☆

𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙐𝙉𝙆𝙉𝙊𝙒𝙉 𝙉𝙐𝙈𝘽𝙀𝙍 ➸ No. FiveWhere stories live. Discover now