7 Practical Tips to Sleep Healthy

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Staying up late at night and sleeping in on weekends disrupts our circadian rhythm and can result in disrupted sleep, grogginess, crankiness, and, worse, possible depression. Here are some quick tips for healthy sleep:
1. Follow a consistent sleep schedule.
Wake up at the same time every day, even on the weekends or during vacation.
2. Practice a relaxing bedtime ritual.
Go to bed only when you are sleepy. When in bed, avoid bright lights and any activities that trigger stress, anxiety, or excitement.
3. Exercise every day.
Light exercise any time during the day helps you sleep well at night.
4. Reduce your use of electronics.
Using cell phones and electronics before bed has been associated with poor sleep quality. Even exposure to bright room lights before bed may negatively affect your sleep.
5. Make your bedroom inviting and attractive for sleep.
Always sleep on a comfy and supportive mattress and pillows. Make sure to change your mattress and pillows. Make sure to change your mattress once it has exceeded its lifespan (9 to 10 years). Ensure that your pillows are comfortable and allergen free.
6. Take a hot bath before going to bed.
A hot bath causes your temperature to rise and then cool down afterward, which helps you relax and get good sleep.
7. Read a relaxing book right before bed.
Reading has been shown to minimize stress by up to 68 percent, clears and relaxes the mind, and prepares the body for sleep.

**plug plug plug:
If you like reading fanfictions, romance stories, and books that make your heart flutter and may even make you cry- feel free to read my published works!
My two most loved books are:
1. Bullied by Harry Styles
- a harry styles fanfiction in which harry styles bullies the girl he secretly likes out of fear she may not like him back. but it isn't this cliché, there are loads of twists and turns and it is rated 18+ due to sexual material, adult language, may be triggering to some, and does include molestation.
(I quite dislike how I made a girl fall in love with her bully but at the time of writing this I was only fifteen/sixteen and it was one of the hottest trends and I just followed it. I can promise you that I will never write another story like this and the only reason I haven't taken this one down is because so many people are obsessed with it and they love reading it.)
2. Good Girl Gone Bad
- a Michael Clifford fanfiction in which the good girl falls for the bad boy and they fall madly in love. but of course, it's not going to be this cliché and it certainly won't be this easy. there will most definitely be many twists and many turns.

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