6- Who is this?

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(Contains swearing)
(W/Y/L)= Where you live
(H/C)=. Hair Colour
(H/L)= Hair Length
(F/T)= Favourite Type
(E/C)= Eye colour
(N/N)= Nick Name

What the hell is that? I rush to the front door with half open eyes and see... OMG!!! I giggle and hug Benjamin, that cute little innocent cinnamon roll. His face turns to a crimson red that could rival Grells hair and stuttered out, " G-G-Good m-morning, (Y/N)!" I say the same to him and welcome him into my living room.

"So, whats up?" I ask curiously and sit on my comfy couch. "You remember Dyce? Well he may of um kinda..." he trailed off and started mumbling into his hand. "Bennie..." I softly wake him up. He does that sometimes and I always have to call or else he would forget what we are talking about.

"Oh right sorry. Dyce says he will need you to get to his house at 4 pm in 2 days from now, because he got a new horror movie DVD!" Jamin carried on with what he saying his smile only grew. The people who are reading this will probs get confused about this but Benjamin has a few nicknames. There is Bennie, Bun Bun, Jamin, Jams and just Ben.

I call him whatever I feel like and he has gotten used to it. He is such a cutie! He is wearing his usual teal turtleneck and light sky blue jeans and his hair is in a fluffy undercut, his cheeks are rounded as usual, eyes big and filled with innocence and those small lips. Freaking adorkable!

"Really! Oh my gaaaaaawd yaaaasssssss! I've been waiting forever for it!" I pump my fists in the air as DETERMINATION lights up in my eyes. "Oh jams did you see the new action movie coming out? It called 'Bullet through' I'm SO ready!" I laughed out.

Luka's POV (you didn't expect that did you?)
I get off my bed and yawn then put on my bunny slippers and hear laughs down stairs. That's sounds like Big Sister! I wonder what she's laughing at?

I go down the stairs and see a stranger and Big Sister talking and having a good time together. "Who is he?" The stranger points to me.

"That's Luka Macken, he is staying at our house like some others. Their situation is horrible! They were all orphans and were shipped off to go to Neverland but the boat hit a mountain and they landed by here. It would feel bad if I didn't help them so I did the right thing and gave them food, water and shelter!"

We both give her a deadpan-disbelieving look. Even I know that's not right.

"Huh? It didn't work? Well the truth is they are Nutella aliens from Pluto and they were hit by a meteor when they were on their spaceship. They were lost and confused so I've been helping them with our language and what we do instead of ignoring them. I'm so nice aren't I?"

What is she even going on about anymore? "We were homeless after our companies went bankrupt and kind lady, (Y/N) took us in with open arms." A voice spoke behind me. From what I've heard that's Sebastian Michaelis.

"Awe you ruined my fun, cat freak." Big Sister whined and when Sebastian heard his nickname he grimaced at her then smiled politely at our guest.

Benjamin's POV (I'm so unpredictable XD)
"Hehehe... who is this new guest?" A cackling voice said behind me. Wait behind? I turn around to see a tall man with grey long hair that cascades over his eyes. His clothes were all shades of black. He wore a black t-shirt that was underneath of a black silk hoodie with a skull and a coffin in the middle. He wore loose grey sweatpants and black and white Jordan shoes. And oh my god that Cheshire grin on his face almost made me pee my pants.

I look to the living room entrance to see a raven haired man with maroon eyes. He wore a white button up shirt with a black vest and black jacket over top. Hanging professionally by his collar was his tie and he wore a pair of white gloves and ironed out black pants and dress shoes. He is looking very fancy?

4 more people come down and was it just me or is their a lot of males in this house? The boy with cyan hair and striking blue eye with an eyepatch was wearing something regal. He wore a ruffled collar ironed out shirt and a royal blue medium long jacket. On his legs were black shorts with long knee high socks with high black and blue button up boots.

The blonde with blue eyes also had the same vibe but what is with those booty shorts? He wore a black and green striped shirt accompanied with a long purple jacket and thigh high socks. Not only that but he also wore black booty shorts and below the knee long boots. On his neck was a spider necklace.

The other ravenette wore the same as the other. The man who I assume is the father of the eye patches kid wore exactly what the kid was wearing except for that he wore black pants and dress shoes and no long socks.

Are there any more? Yup. Three more came into the living room. One matched the two ravenettes and the other basically looked like if you had a red monster and puked up an outfit that looked good and all red that what he/she would be wearing.

The last one is wearing a white ruffled Shirt, white short jacket some normal white trousers and white clean shoes.

"Guys this is Benjamin, Benjamin these people are Vincent, Sebastian, Ciel, Claude, Alois, Luka, Ash, Grell, William." (Y/N) introduced while pointing to each name she called on. We gave each other a nod in acknowledgment silently. "Bye Jamin." she sniffled lightly and I hugged her closely to my chest. As I was comforting her I could feel a lot of intense glares on my back. I squeaked and let go of her.

"Okay well I um en- enjoyed talking with you but I have to get home for lunch." I excused myself and left and heard different "goodbyes" pass their lips. That was fun but I am worried for (Y/N) because she is living with 10males and I'll say this (Y/N) gets herself into trouble sometimes unintentionally.

I hope you enjoyed it and tell me if you noticed how I got lazier to type what they were wearing as time went on. I hope you have a good day/night/evening/afternoon! ☺️
-UnusedMarsBar out~

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