Chapter 5

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Ellie's POV:

I watched my feet take steps across the glossy tiles, my dusty canvas sneakers next to the shined pointed-toe leather shoes of passing employees.

Walking a bit more, i finally found out my room where I'll be working from today. 'Hall 3B' it said.

"this way ma'am" an employee said with her hand showing the direction to the door.

"Thank you, have a nice day" i replied.

"you too ma'am." she said and went away with a smile on her lips.

I can feel the fear in my chest waiting to take over. Perhaps it only wants to protect me but there really isn't any danger. It sits there like an angry ball propelling me towards an anxiety I just don't need.
There's something about being outside that evaporates my fear, maybe the fresh air scent reminds me of fresh washed laundry, I'm not sure - but my body has already begun to relax.

After a few minutes i heard the door opening and i quickly sit down being straight, dusting my dress up and down and ready to have a good impression on the people here.

The person tried the door knob for a while and the heavy iron-bound door swung open.

Its him again.

"Oh, ellie, we meet again" he said coming forward while giving me a smile that just seems so genuinely sweet with just the right touch of shyness that unexpected warmth rushes through me.

"um, yeah right mingyu-ssi." i replied getting a bit flustered.

I was like the true definition of shy. I wanted to be around people, to connect with them, but I just didn't know how.

"so you're the new employee in our group i suppose?" he asked with his hands in the pockets, standing with a straight back.

"yes, I'm the one."

"well, I'm the head over here so starting from today, you'll be under my concern.
I'll be giving you all the files regarding the various projects and you'll be with some more new entries so that i will be able to train you all together.
Hope you suit yourself here way too quickly and do the work with all your possible abilities. Goodbye, good luck! " he said and shut the door while giving me a glance of his brown hair for one last time today and his incredible smile.

His hair, dark and lustrous, had a sheen like fine hardwood. But that comparison isn't entirely fair, I suppose. Hardwood doesn't swish gently like his hair does, swaying with the words he speaks. A shiny varnish catches merely light around it, but the depths of that deep chestnut brown reflected all the radiance of his smile.

I thought.

Yeonjun's POV :

"Smile that brings memories back is the hardest smile on the earth." the book said in its last page.

Its indeed true.

When she used to smile at me it was like for a split second everything stopped and her smile pierced through all the bad in my life and all was well again.
Her smile shined like the stars in the sky, with no bright city lights to dim them. It was like the sun opened its eager light to shine about her, only brightening her perfectly aligned teeth.

"Yeonjun!!!" a voice called my name snapping me out of my thoughts and looking at it's direction i saw none but my brother running towards me with a baggage in his one hand and another one waving at me.

It's youngjae. After 2 whole years?!

"Yeonjun! Remember me? It's me. I'm finally back, brother."
he said while attacking me with a bone crashing hug. I barely could hug him back as both of my hands were trapped under his body.

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