About Blood Diamond and the Red Court

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The Red Court consisted mainly of Red Diamond herself, her Pearl, her right hand Bloodstone, and her Crimson Sapphire.

Red Diamond was a general for Grey Diamond and conducted, as well as participated, in the hostile take over of other planets and the elimination of their inhabitants. She was, and still somewhat is, a ruthless, emotionless, and practical gem.

Red Diamond never stayed on Homeworld longer than she had to, preferring to explore the universe in her base of operations and personal ship The Aeries.

It was when Red Diamond was given her first Pearl that things began to change, when she began to truly feel. Her Pearl was a shy little thing, if slightly smaller than the Pearls of the other Diamonds. Red Diamond took a liking to her almost instantly.

Her Pearl loved books and was almost jumping when she first saw The Aeries, likening it to a Pirate Ship straight out of her books. The look on her Pearl's face made Red Diamond vow to do anything and everything in her power to see it again, even going as far as to re-model The Aeries to look even more like a Pirate Ship and dress up as a pirate captain.

As the decades passed, Red Diamond began to change. It was little things at first, small gestures or happenings that were so different from the normally indifferent Red Diamond.

It was these changes that instigated the Red Rebellion.

Gems in the Red Court

Red Diamond

Red Pearl


Red Garnet

Imperial Zircon

Black Sapphires


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