Chapter 4

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Dream POV

Later that night you wake up to find yourself on what appears to be clouds. You sit up looking around but it all you see is clear blue skies above the clouds. You stand up trying to think of where you could be. "Hello, is anybody here," you say.

A faint male voice can be heard far away, "I'm here, but you do not realise it yet."

"Who are you?" you asked.

"Sorry, sweetie can not tell you yet, but know you will have to choose," he said.


  You wake up the next morning to see V shaking you trying to get you to wake up. "My, you are one heavy sleeper, darling," he said with a smile on his face. "You look beautiful when you sleep," he said with wink.

You blush and throw a pillow at at his head but he dodges it. Smiling he leaves the room.

Just then Jin walks into the room with a smile on his face asking, "How are you doing to today?"

You answer him with a, "Good."

He then asks you, even though knowing the answer, "I heard you talking in your sleep last night, something about a man," He also asks, "Do you want to talk about it?"

You did not know how to tell him about the mysterious man that showed up in your dreams last night. You say, "No, I don't want to talk about if that is okay."

He was about to reply when Jhope comes running in rambling, "Theotherbrothersfoundoutaboutherbeforeweeventoldthem."

"Hold up slow down, repeat that again," says Jin.

"The other brothers found out about her before we
even told them," says Jhope panting from running all the way here.

"WHAT," exclaimed Jin. "Go notify the others," he said in a panicked tone.

"Wait, what is going on?" you ask.

Then a sudden big explosion can heard and you could feel it rumble throughout Olympus. The next thing you know is that you are being drag by Jin out the door. You guys pass by where you met them yesterday and you look down over the overhanging. You see more than a dozen snake women like creatures fighting the guards. You and Jin both end up in what appears to a library with the others already there.

Namjoon says, "Just tell me exactly how they found out about her?"

V replies with, "There was a female guard who was under a spell by Jimin." "She was reporting everything that we did to him," he says.

"We need to plan our next move," Jhope says.

"One of us will keep an eye on her at all times and the others will fight the creatures," Namjoon says.

"I will look after her you guys go,"says Jhope.

Nobody argued with that statement as they all ran out of the room.

"Will you please tell me what is going on here," you say. "Who is Jimin?" you ask.

He tells you, "Their are three other brothers you have not met. Two of them belong to the underworld and the other is nowhere to be found."

He continues to say, "The one that we were talking about Jimin or Eros, is the God of sexual desires, affection and love. He is a playboy with tons of girls at his feet. He brings out the hormones in people and lures people in by his looks and charms."

He also says, "The other one is Yoongi or Hades, he is the God of the underworld or hell itself. He is a cold and ruthless ruler that punishes anybody who sympathizes for him. Unlike Jimin he is not interested in women and would rather focus all on ruling hell."

"The last one is Jungkook or Morpheus, he is the God of dreams and he is a shapeshifter. He is the youngest out of all of us with his personality all over the charts. One minute he is treating you with kindness then the next he is scolding or flirting with you. Nobody knows his whereabouts he has been missing for the last three years," he says.

You think about what he said and then ask him, "What about you four, what are you guys like?"

"The four of us are very different from the other three," he says.

"Namjoon or Zeus, he is the God of the sky. He takes care of all of us and is the mighty ruler. We take him as the leader and he knows what to do in tight situations. He has never dated before so he is a little rusty in that category," he says.

"Jin or Asclepius, he is the God of medicine. He takes care of everyone in Olympus. We call him the 'mom' of our group because he acts like one and he does not like anyone swearing for some reason. He has dated a few girls but nothing major," he continues.

"V or Dionysus, he is the God of wine. He is all flirt on the outside but on the inside he is sincere. He sometimes does have mood swings but not as bad as Jungkook. Sometimes he can not keep a girl over a week because his moods," he states.

"Then you get to me, Jhope or Poseidon, I am the God of the sea. I am full of smiles but I can be serious when I want to be. Some call me call me sunshine because my smile can light up their day. I have dated twice before I met you but they were not serious," he says.

"Sorry that was a lot of information to take in," he states.

"No, it's okay I love learning about new people," you say.

You guys sit until you hear heavy footsteps running towards the door. You then smell a gas like substance coming through the vents of the house.  The next thing you know you blackout.

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