Chapter 16; Moony

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Reg is making notes on the books we've taken from moms library while I'm flipping through talking to Sybil on Facetime.

"The great thing about this is that mum thinks that our magic gets diluted as the generations move on." I say moving my hands around. "BUT hundreds of years ago heretics came together to strengthen their magic and make sure that generations to come would be protected." 

"Do you think we could do it?" She asks, munching on a carrot. 

"It's risky. Really risky. But I'm sure we could." Regulus says tearing out a piece of paper and sorting it into the resurrection information section. "But Moony and I think we figured out what happened with Eloise and Denise."

"By the way, have you heard from her?" 

"Not since the Shrieking Shack. She's probably blocked my number by now." I reply. "Anyway."

"So, the problem with Eloise and Denise was that Eloise never made a sacrifice in order to keep Denice alive." Reg says, taking the phone from me. "That formed a mother-daughter like bond between the two. Denise felt like Eloise was the soul purpose of her being alive, which she was, and therefore she acted like she owed Eloise everything. What we need to do, is sacrifice someone." 

"You're not serious? You're serious. I can't believe it. No freaking way in hell am I going to sacrifice someone--" Sybil says. 

"Sybil, listen." 

"The man who killed our father was one of the men who escaped from Azkaban. His name is Augustus Rookwood. If ... if somehow we can track him down and get him and I don't know, there is a lot that we have to think through. We can use him. Just ... one of us will have to use the Killing Curse." I say, closing the awkward silence between the two of them. 

"You guys would be able to do that?" Sybil says. "Kill ... someone?"

My brother and I stare at each other. I know that he feels the same rage inside of him when he thinks of the man who killed our father and took him from mom. Took him from everyone. We both know that we could do it, but we both also know that mom killed people during the Second Wizarding War and she never speaks about it. 

We would have to do that, live with it for the rest of our lives. 

"There are a lot of moving pieces that we haven't worked out yet. Just the fine details. We have to explain everything to Eloise when we go back to school, that our father won't be bonded to her like Denise was. I'm sure she will have the same remorseful feelings towards having to kill someone that you do." I say. "Hunting down Rookwood before our mother can find him, figuring out how ... when ..." 

There's silence between us and we hear the front door open and close. Mom must be home. 

We start ruffling papers around, putting them into Reg's backpack, storing the books under the cushions of the chairs and couch. 

"I gotta go." Regulus says. 

"I'm in." Sybil says. 

"You're ... really?"

"We are going to kill the man that killed your father and bring him back. Then we will never speak of it ever again." 

We hung up in time as mom comes into my bedroom. "Happy Birthday!" she says happily. She has one of those dumb paper HAPPY BIRTHDAY caps on and she's beaming from ear to ear. She loves our birthdays more than we do, I forgot today was even the day. 

"OH!" Regulus says. "I forgot. Happy Birthday, Moony!"

I laugh and hug him, saying, "Happy Birthday, Reg."

Mom joins us and hugs us, then Uncle George throws himself onto the pile. We all groan and laugh and I can't wait until next year, because we will have father here with us. 


"Thanks for coming." I say, shaking Uncle Harry's hand and hugging all of his kids. 

Aunt Ginny ruffles my hair and says that she loves me and I roll my eyes when she makes me say it back. 

I go back into the kitchen to help mum load the dishwasher but she just brushes me off. I sit at the creaky old kitchen table in the creaky old kitchen chairs that mom refuses to get rid of and sip my butterbeer, turning on my phone. 

"Boys." Mom says, closing the door and drying off her hands. "I know that the last few weeks here have been rough for you. I know that there was a certain level of freedom that you had at Hogwarts, believe me I know--" Reg and I roll our eyes "-- which is why I am sending you to Florida."

My twin brother and I stare at our mother with our mouths open. Will she actually?

"I personally believe that you are both mature enough, but I am sending Uncle George with you. I have some money saved up for you and I have taken a few days off from work to visit you on Thanksgiving." She continues. "If you act appropriately maybe we can make this a normal thing."

She winks at us and Regulus and I fist bump.

"No way, dude, we're going to Florida!" I say jumping up with my brother to surround mum with hugs. We both kiss each side of her cheeks like we have always done and she laughs. 

"I take it you told them?" Uncle G says coming into the kitchen and leaning against the fridge. "Because I have a little surprise too..."

George disappears down the hallway and comes back beaming like a kid in a candy store. Behind him is Sybil and Reg runs to her, throwing her in a hug. Behind Sybil, is Eloise.

"Eloise." I say. 

"Moony." she says, standing sheepishly in the doorway holding her light blue suitcase.

Mum chokes on her tea as I hug Eloise and Uncle George grins again. 

"Who, uhm, are these lovely young women?" Mum says pursing her lips and turning to Uncle George. 

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