Cliche 26

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1. The good girl always has a messy bun. ALWAYS.

"I've got to get to school!" Puts hair in a messy bun.

"I am going on a date with dickward!" Puts hair in a messy bun.

"I am going to a wedding at Buckingham Palace." Puts hair in a messy bun!

Can someone please for the love of God tell me what a PERFECT messy bun looks like?

2.The good girl and glasses. Always.

3. The bad boy and black leather. Why?

4. The resident slut and "clothing". By clothing I mean a napkin cut up into 3 pieces and placed on her privates and boobs.

5. The stylish best friend. Y'all ever watch The wizards of the Waverly place? I want to see a best friend that dresses up like Harper for once! A macaroni hat and maybe a dress made out of markers!

6. Billionaire and suits. It's Armanigeddon in those books. Suits to bed, suits to swim, suits everywhere!!!!

7. Good girls get brown hair and sluts get blonde and if they aren't blond the author will MAKE her blonde and the dye job will be horrible.

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