Chapter seven - Promotion play

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"Quiet down class! Otherwise I cannot give you your test results!" bellowed the teacher.

In an instant, the classroom was more silent than the library. The teacher moved quickly around the classroom, putting faced-down result slips on the tables of the students.

After she was done, she announced "You may turn up your result slips now."

I slowly turned the paper over, a quick glance at my percentage, and the paper was faced down again. Satisfied with my results; I looked over at Kasumi, she seemed upset with her scores.

"What did you get?" I asked, starting the conversation.

"Oh...ah, it isn't very good," she replied in embarassment.

"It's fine, just tell me. I will not laugh," I assured her, adding a smile to the mix.

"Twenty-five percent," she said uncertainly.

I wrinkled my nose. "Ok...hand me your paper. I'll see what you need to work on."

She handed the paper over, nervously. I scanned the whole paper with machine effeciency and percision.

"You are weak in electricity, magnetism and chemical reactivity," I concluded.

"Oh...I see," she responded, looking downwards.

"No problem," I said with a smile. "I will make sure you score much much better next time."

Her eyes sparkled, affection? Probably. "R-Really?"

"Sure! I mean we are friends right?" I said.

"Thanks Y/N!" she exclaimed, pulling me in for a quick hug...before she got us lectured for inappropiate acts in school.

Timeskip- To cafeteria

"So Rimi...what are your grades?" I asked her.

"F-Fifty-one p-percent," she stuttered. I noticed, out of the two sisters, Yuri is the more confident one.

"How about you Saaya-san?" asked Kasumi earnestly.

"Sixty-eight percent," replied Saaya. "The paper was hard!"

Kasumi shared Tae's awe. "How did you manage to do that Saaya-san?!"

" about you Arisa-san?" questioned Saaya, attempting to draw their attention.

"Seventy-two percent," she said flatly, pride creeping into her voice.

All their jaws dropped in amazement, I have concluded that Arisa enjoys being at the center of attention, hence her smug look.

"Come wasn't that hard," she continued.

"Somebody...sound the flex alarm!" I called out, receiving laughs from the girls.

"What about you Y/N?" asked Tae, once everything had died down.

"I...I don't want to say," I responded quickly.

"Why not? Is it that bad?" challenged Arisa, in a playful manner.

"Nope," I replied, shaking my head slowly.

"Well, how did you do then?" asked Saaya, now intrested.

My studies in psychology dictates that they wouldn't let me off the hook unless I told them the truth. Not quite something I wanted to do, mainly due to the reactions I would get. Bracing for the responce, I spoke.

Abracadabra (BanG Dream x Male reader) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now