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(Nika's POV)
Our course WAS set to Inkopolis, until a gigantic human statue rose out of the water, and surrounding it on multiple platforms, was twintacle octotroopers.
Seeing this, I had jumped out of the helicopter, and when I landed on the first metal platform Marina had explained her plan using the Mega Suction Bombs Or whatsitcalled. I would roll, dodging the many enemies on the platform, then taking out my Splat Revolver, I would take aim and splat the ten enemies trying to splat me on that platform, I would look for the Bomb, and fire at it, I would then see a launchpad, I would go into my octopi form and jump to the next platform, and remember I said there were Twintacle Octotroopers? Well I was partially wrong, because there were also Octocommanders. I would run behind a platform, and take out a miniature Rainmaker prototype, which was based off an ancient Chinese weapon called the "Huo Long Chu Shui" meaning "Dragon Rising Out Of The Water" I would hold the golden weapon, and fire a volley of ink, which it wasn't as big as the original Rainmakers volleys, But it was enough to beat half of the enemies on the platform, I would fire again, only to see a note come out saying "The Weapon Will Explode." I would go to the next platform, which it had Octobombers, I had thrown the weapon and it had exploded right under the Bombers and blowing up the bombs on this level and the previous level , splatting them in the process. I would go up to the Final Platform, My goal was to blow up all five of the bombs around the statues head, which I did, I walked back to see Tartar, One. Last. Time. I had jumped off of the platform, as I was falling I had whispered a quote from my mom, who I loved dearly, before and after her rumoured death. I whispered "I Must Sing For The Moment When I Live." And fell for what seemed hours, when Marina catched me mid air. Pearl slapped me on the back and said "I got It From Here 8!" And as she jumped down to the lower platform I looked at Agent 3, for just a brief moment, and I jumped down with Pearl, for this to happen...

Hey guys! Geo here! Thank you all, it has been a pleasure writing this story, and there will be a sequel. Thanks again for reading and voting, I gtg now! Seeya!

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