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*Taehyung POV*
I feel really bad that I forgot our anniversary.So arranged a little party and I invited BTS,Hyun ji and Shin su.I didn't told Yasu cuz I'm going to surprise her.

*Time skip*
Finally..I finished arranging everything.I choose beach cuz Yasu loves beach.

(Imagine this is how it looks like)I really like how it looks like

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(Imagine this is how it looks like)
I really like how it looks like.After some time BTS except jimin and kookie came."It's awesome tae.Yasu will love it."Namjoon hyung said.With that kookie and Hyun ji came."Anneyong hyung"kookie said."Hello tae."Hyun ji said and I greeted them.Shin su came with Eun woo and Eun ji."Appa!!"They came to me and hugged me."Jimin went to pick up yasu unni."Shin su said."Thanks."I said to her.

*Yasu POV*
The door bell rang so I went to open it.It's Jimin."Oh.Jimin what are you doing here? Eun woo and Eun ji are ok?They are with Shin su.She took them few hours ago."She said."I know. actually....We lost Eun ji in beach.I'm really sorry.please come with me we're trying to find her."When Jimin said that my heart broken into pieces.Tears rolling down in my cheeks."I've to inform tae first."I said as I'm sobbing."Anii...tae already came to the beach and he's looking for her.get ready quickly and come."Jimin said and I went to change my clothes.When I came Jimin took me to beach.I can't imagine they lost eun ji.When we arrived Jimin dragged me to a little far from beach and I saw tae.I ran into his arms buried my head in his chest and cried.

*Taehyung POV*
Yasu came and hugged me but then she started to cry.I was started to panic."Hey,why are you crying?what's wrong?"I asked and looked at jimin and raised my eyebrow."Jimin said that they lost Eun ji."yasu said while crying.I looked at jimin and glared at him."Don't worry,it's not true."I said and patted her head.Then she looked at jimin in disbelief."Actually..Taehyung told me to bring you hear without I got nothing to say.I lied to you and took you here."Jimin said nervously."PARK JIMIN!!You're so dead."Yasu yelled and started hit him.I just said."you deserves it." and went to others.

*Yasu POV*
They did all these dramas for take me to our anniversary party.I almost got a heart attack.Then tae came to with a little box."This is your anniversary gift."Then he hand me the box.It's very pretty.A heart shaped necklace."Thanks tae.I really love it."I.said and hugged him.

(Imagine this is the necklace)A

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(Imagine this is the necklace)

fter some time everyone ate dinner.Jin started telling his dad jokes and we laughed and enjoying our time together.Suddenly Jimin stood up and put his arm around Shin su's waist and said."We're getting married next Month."woah..Finally they're going to marry.I'm so happy.Everyone started cheering.Then everyone congratulate them.I really enjoyed their company.I'm very happy and I'm really lucky to have Tae as my husband.I'm the most happiest person in this world.I thought.Finally we're having our little family and we're going to spend our rest of the life together.

Surprise party


~The end~

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