Chapter 38: Kai

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Kai's P.O.V

It's been over a week since I stayed in the hospital, I can't believe.. how miserable I am. Here I am standing infront of a mirror and for the first time I'm judging every bits of me






God this voices! This voices just won't stop! What the hell did I do to deserve this fucking voices!? Why!? Just... why? Wasn't I good enough when I was young? Didn't I obey like I was supposed to do? Did I lack at something? Why? Just.. why!?

I shouted as I punch the mirror, I sat there looking at the broken mirror.. it looks just like me, a broken piece, abroken piece filled with gaps

"Hey! What the fuck are you doing?" My one and only annoying friend asks

"Just leave me alone!" I shouted

"Your condition is getting worse, and the doctor doesn't even know what you.. fuck Kai you're so messed up!" Kyungsoo reminded me

This fucking fuck just won't shut the hell up huh? I turn my head and quickly punch his face

"Shut up! Just shut the hell up! I hate how you always remind this fucking thing that is happening to me! God do you know how annoying it is? To be fucking reminded all the time!" I shouted looking at him on the ground

"And do you fucking know how annoying it is to always be with you! Fuck Kai! Your only best friend who's taking care of you! Hell even your parents abandoned you! Because of your annoying little ass mouth!" Kyungsoo fought back punching me in the face

"Why can't you just be thankful! I mean look at me, I'm fucking taking care of you! Making sure you fucking breathe every second! Why can't you just say thank you!" He continued

"I just.. I can't anymore, this voices just.. I just want to fucking jump off a cliff and hopefully die.. It hurts, it's scratching the inside of my mind! Controlling me! Making me do the things I never thought of doing, why did you even stay? I'm so fucked up! Look at me!" I said walking towards the wall punching it enough to for me to bleed

"Why would I leave you? Eversince we were young I've always taken care of you, I was always there for you! Hell we even made promises that we will never be apart! But look at you now! Giving up, pushing me away" He said standing up

"What do you want me to do Kyungsoo? I'm pathe... tic" I cried

I'm such a weak a loser a poor guy, someone like should have died

"You're not pathetic.. Kai, look at me.. don't you ever think you are pathetic cause you aren't.. if you were one then you would have given up years ago, but you didn't you still fought and look at us-

"Yeah look at us, look where we are? We're fighting.. arguing.. and angry" I cut him off

"Kai.. If I was angry I would have stopped looking at you, Kai we're best buds! We never leave each other" He said as he showed me his hand

"Thanks.. Kyungsoo" I replied as I accept his hand

We hugged for a while and started talking about things, Kyungsoo told me that Lisa had an accident causing her to forget all of her memories including she and Jennie dating

Listening as he told me what happens makes me feel kinds bad for Jennie.. It hurts, seeing your love one actually forgets you.. but hey, I should just.. give up, I mean what good would it make if I continue

"Hey Kai.." Kyungsoo called

"Wanna join me? We'll be moving to United Kingdom" Kyungsoo said as he looks at me

United... Kingdom? I guess it's a good start, I mean new place, new people.. new people, things?

"Sure why not?" I replied smiling at him

"It's settle then, we.. leave Monday morning" He replied standing up

Monday? I guess it's time to... bid goodbyes? Sure it's a Friday so.. I still have three more days, I think it's better to say goodbye by Monday huh?

"Hey you ok?" Kyungsoo asked worriedly

"I'm... happy" I admitted

For the first time in life I.. I actually felt real happiness and.. excited? I guess I can't wait to meet new people

So I guess this is it.. goodbye... Jennie

Love Triangles 2 (COMPLETE)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora