Damien x Pip

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I was walking around the cafeteria in South Park elementary. I had been in South park elementary for a couple of weeks now and I had just turned 16. I was looking for a place to sit down with my lunchtray. I stopped for a second and saw a blond boy with a hat sitting alone at some table. I had seen him around the school and he was always alone so I decided to walk to him and sit down beside him and then I started eating. He interdused himself

"Good day, my name is Phillip but everyone calls me Pip, what's your name?" He asked me

"Damien" I replied quietly

"What a nice name" he replied and smiled.

I finished eating and stood up but when I was about to walk away I felt something weird. I shook it off and walked away without saying a word. I walked to the classroom the next class was going be in. When I was there I saw the classroom was closed so I sat down on the ground and just stared on the floor. After a while the Pip guy came and sat down beside me.

"Why are you sitting here all by yourself?" He asked

"Cause I'm waiting for the next class to begin" I replied

"Oh, but school is over for today"

"Ok" I stood up and was about to walk away but then Pip grabbed my hand

"Do you mabye want to walk home together" he asked. I turned around so I was facing Pip and I saw he was blushing.

"Ok, let's walk home together then" I replied

"Hurray, let's go" said Pip and smiled happily.

We walked towards his house and when we stood infront of the doors to his house. He asked me if I wanted to come in and for some reason I said yes. We walked in and then to Pip's room. We entered the room and then Pip closed the door.

"So what should we do now?" I asked. Pip walked up to me and stopped when he was very close to me. He put a finger under my chin and then he did something I was not expecting. He kissed me passionatly while I just stood there in shock. He backed away after a while and smiled

"Eeeeeee" was all I could say

"You are all I have been thinking about since you came to South Park and I think I might be falling in love with you" he said and then he kissed me again. But something weird happened then, instead of just standing still I put my arms around his waist and started kissing him back. He then took his lips off mine slowly and I don't know why exactly why but then I ran out of his room and then his house and didn't stop until I was in the forest that was just outside south park.

~Pip's POV~

I slowly backed away from Damien and then he just ran away without saying a word. Did he not like me back? I hope he does like me back but he probably doesn't.

~the next day Damien's POV~

I was walking to school when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and there I saw Pip walking towards me. He stopped when he was a meter infront of me.

"Why'd you run away yesterday?" He asked with a sad tone in his voice.

"I'm sorry I was just surprised" I replied

"Ok but... d-do you like me back" he asked

I walked up to him and then I kissed him. After a few seconds I backed away and looked at him. He smiled and then I smiled to. I then took his hand and we walked together to school while holding hands.

                                                                                                                THE END!

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