Kirito in The Knights of the Blood Oath

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I had rented a house on the 70th floor. It was only a small cottage, nothing too great. But it was like home. Even though I have to pay my money to this random NPC, I've been living there for a while, a few months, actually.

I lay Kirito on the bed, and lay next to him. "Thanks for the bed..." He mutters quietly.

"Just shut up and sleep..." I say, tiredly.

"Okay..." He agrees and sleeps again. I look upon his sleeping face, and smile, soon falling asleep myself.

The very next morning, I awake to see Kirito at the window, waiting for me. "Good morning." He greets me.

"Good morning..." I muttered and rubbed my eyes. "What did you do...?" I ask him jokingly, with a smirk on my face.

"N-Nothing! Geez..." Kirito says, blushing.

I sigh, and get up to cook breakfast.

Afterward, we hear marching, and I look out the door to see what was happening. "Is the player named Kirito here?" A man in red and white asked me.

"Who's asking?" I ask back.

"We are the Knights of the Blood Oath. I'm sure you've heard of us." The man says pridefully. Behind him, I see Sinon. Right. I remember hearing she joined a guild, but I didn't care too much about them.

"Get lost. I have no business with you." I say coldly.

"If I remember correctly, you're Death by Twilight, the PKer." The man says. "If you do not comply, then I must arrest you, and extract Kirito by force." He threatens me.

"Don't. He's a good person, I know it." Sinon defends me. "I worked with him many times.

"I don't care. PKers belong in prison. That's how it all goes." Said the man, drawing his sword.

"Kuradeel! Stop this!" Sinon demanded, but her underling wasn't listening.

"You say PKers belong in jail, so why aren't you in there?" I asked, and he froze.

"What...?!" He asked.

"You're not any different from me. The logo on your hand explains everything." I smirk.

"What does he mean, Kuradeel?" Sinon asked him.

"This man is-"

"Silence, wench! I have no such emblem!" He shouts desperately.

"Oh? Then why don't you take off your gloves?" I asked, as Kirito appears behind me.

"Below my glove is bare skin, nothing else." He says, and sees Kirito. "You there. You are to come with me. The commander wishes to see you."

"The commander? You mean Heathcliff?" Kirito asked.

"Commander Heathcliff, to you." He says, and puts his sword away. "But I have not forgotten the way you humiliated me...!" He growled.

I've heard of this. Kirito absolutely destroyed a member of KOB on one of the lower floors. But I didn't know it was this guy.

"Fine. I'll go with you." Kirito agrees.

"You don't have to, Kirito." Sinon says.

"It's fine. I'll go to see what he wants, and then leave. That's all." He says, and pats my head. "I'm going to go now. See you around."

"Didn't you promise to help me...? I'm not letting you go alone. I'll go with you." I say.

"Sheik..." He says, and smiles. "Yeah, you got me. Let's go together, then." He says, and we follow Sinon and Kuradeel.

While we walk there, let me explain. Kuradeel is a member of Laughing Coffin, a murder guild that is infamous around Aincrad. Compared to them, I'm nothing special. These guys kill on a daily basis.

I know this from a skill I obtained on Floor 39 called Clairvoyance. It allows me to see through objects of a certain thickness. It's helpful when in forests, and I need to know where the nearest town is, or when I'm on a mission to kill someone. Seeing if someone is unarmed is a crucial part of my job as a PKer. That's how I could see his Laughing Coffin emblem.

When we arrive in the 50th floor, the city of Granzam, we met the commander of KOB, Heathcliff. He wanted Kirito to join the KOB, but was turned down, but then was challenged to a duel, and was even given permission to use his Dual Wield skill.

Kirito was forced to accept, and they met tomorrow at the nearby arena. To make a long story short, he put on a good show, but that was it. He lost, and was forced to join the KOB. I met with him afterward, and can say with confidence that he does not look good in white and red.

"Ugh... Can't I just wear my normal clothes?" He asked.

"Oh, suck it up. You look great." Sinon says.

"No, you really don't." I add.

"Hey, c'mon. Don't be like that." Sinon says.

"But it's true."

Sinon sighs, and just gives up. "Nevertheless, it's too late now. He lost the duel, and must face the consequences." She says.

Kirito groans, and lays on the bed. "This is the worst..." He groans.

"And you have a teamwork test tomorrow. Are you going to be okay?" I ask.

"I'll manage." He says, and gets up. "Well, I'm going to rent a room at the inn. See you tomorrow." He adds, and leaves the room. Sinon was the next to leave, and I was left in my house alone once again. I sigh, and start to cook dinner.

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