Alice in Wonderland

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"Every adventure requires a first step..."



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Don't remember how long ago I did this one but still one of my favorites! I got to incorporate a lot of the little things in Alice in Wonderland to make the picture whole. It was from a picture I had found, so I sketched that and it was tons of fun just getting to draw it out! Alice in Wonderland is not my all time favorite movie or story, but I still enjoy it, and appreciate the attention it brought to the neurological disorder and letting people understand how it alternates an individual's perception. Overall, Alice in Wonderland is a fun story, but most times the deeper you look into something, the more you find. And if there's one thing it surely taught me, it was that imagination is key. 

So let your imagination run wild and remember, nothing is impossible. You just have to build up enough strength to take that first step, after that, follow the road that you find yourself on, and if someone says you're mad, well let them know that all of the best people are!

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