Chapter 22 - Introduction

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When I caught sight of bright yellow hair, tears welled up inside my eyes. I rushed towards him with my arms held open. It had been so long since I last saw him.

"Saffron!" I squealed, hugging the prince of my kingdom tightly. Saffron held onto me just as tight while nuzzling into my hair causing me to close my eyes at the comforting gesture.

I stumbled backwards, ripping myself out of Saffrons hold, when I opened my eyes again. Standing directly behind Saffron was the stranger who had been following Zypher and I. Seeing my panicked face, Saffron turned around but he only smiled at the tall man before waving him over.

"Wild, this is my friend Novus. He's my personal guard and a spy for the Fairy Kingdom." Saffron explained as the man stopped beside him.

"It's a pleasure to see you again." Novus said, giving me a kind smile. He held out a hand and I hesitantly took it before we shook.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, directing the question mainly at Saffron. I glanced at Novus to show I meant him as well.

"We've actually been looking for you. When I realized you were gone, I got permission from my father and then took off with Novus," Saffron said, giving me a smile. "My father wasn't exactly happy about my wishes but allowed me to do what I needed."

"You've been away from the Kingdom for so long." I said, furrowing my brows. I hated that I had pulled him away from his duties as a prince.

"So have you Wild. I couldn't leave you out there, not knowing what happened," Saffron said, "Have you been traveling by yourself? What happened?"

"It's a really long story involving a wizard and wyvern and so much more. I'll tell you some other time but I haven't been alone. The person who saved me has been traveling with me." I said, glancing over at Zypher. Our eyes met for a moment but all I could pick up was worry before I focused my attention back on Saffron and his companion.

"I would love to meet them at some point and thank them. Could we dance while we catch up?" Saffron asked. He held out a hand and I decided I might as well give him a dance. It was the least I could do for him having to leave behind his life for me.

Saffron wasted no time in sweeping me into the crowd that was already dancing. He spun me in circles as we chatted. He was smiling brightly but after one of my turns, he looked more serious. I tensed up as he leaned down next to my ear and pulled me too close for comfort.

"We are all in a trap." Saffron whispered.

Saffron pulled back seconds later and resumed the stance we had been in moments ago. He smiled at me as if he hadn't said a word.

Saffron twirled me around and I frantically searched for Zypher as he did. Our eyes met for a second and I hoped he could sense that I needed him.

"What do you mean?" I asked when I faced Saffron again.

"Men in suits are everywhere." Saffron said, smiling wide as if he had just told a joke. I played along and smiled too, whipping the unsure and scared look off my face.

"How are we getting out of this?" I asked, keeping a low voice and peppy expression.

"I don't know. Wait out the dance and find your companion. We will figure things out from there." I nodded at Saffrons words and tried to keep my actions casual. It felt like this song would never end.

As soon as the song came to a close, Saffron tightened his grip on my clothes to keep me from running off immediately. When people began leaving or joining the dance floor, Saffron let me go. I gave him a nervous smiled and took a step away.

I turned to look for Zypher but a deafening silence took over the crowd catching my attention. I followed the multiple guests gazes to the balcony along the wall opposite of the main entrance. Stood on the balcony were six tall man; each sporting an all black suit. I looked behind me and noticed all of the other men matching that appearance scattered throughout the crowd and near the doors. I hadn't noticed them until now.

My gaze went back to the balcony to watch it like all the others in the room. No one uttered a word. I'm not sure if anyone even knew why they were being quiet. It was like a calm was forced over the group of people. At that moment, a pin dropping would sound like thunder.

It seemed like time slowed down as a man stepped out of the shadows and into the chandelier lights. His steps echoed against the walls and loudly in my ears. The noise almost drowned out the sound of blood rushing through my ears.

He had pale skin and pitch black slicked back hair. His eyes looked almost black but I was sure they were just a very dark brown color. He was wearing the same black suit as the other men. His face held an expression I couldn't exactly name. Happiness? Excitement? Odd satisfaction?

He stepped up to the balconies edge and gripped the golden railing. He looked down at the dance floor and I watched in silence as his eyes roamed the crowd. He seemed to linger on something for a moment before his eyes started scanning once again.

He closed his eyes and his lips curled into a sinister looking grin, showing off pearl white teeth. When he opened them again, he glanced at one of the men in suits next to him, nodded, and looked forward again.

"Hello. I'm glad to see you all made it to the party."

I hit 991 words and not my usual 1000 so that's sad but I pushed and pulled words so much that I just gave up

I'm sorry for the late update. I had a busy weekend

Hope you like the chapter!

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