Chapter 30: Panic

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"I hate when people say "it's all in your head". Do you honestly think that I want to feel this way?"


What if?

These two, small words are often used in times of anger or tragedy. The weight these words bring with them is almost unbearable. These words leave us questioning ourselves and our actions...Could we have made things better? Could we have been happier?

We often torture ourselves with these two words, replaying them in our head on constant loop.

What if?

What if?

What if?

However, there is an inevitable truth to the world that is inescapable...Now matter how many times we ask ourselves this matter how many different scenarios we imagine in our heads....We can never go back and fix it...We can never "make things right". We are stuck with our choices for the rest of our lives.

Hot tears poured from Taehyung's eyes as he shot up in his bed, the silk sheets falling down to reveal his bare torso as his chest moved up and down in anxiety and unbridled fear.

Silent sobs racked through his body as he looked around his room in a panicked daze.

He struggled to regain his breath as the darkness of his bed chambers began to close around him, trapping him in a state of shock.

His shoulders shook as he began to regain his composure, silently thanking god that no one was around to see him crying like a young child.

Letting out an unsteady breath, the young royal slowly began to move his body, his hands wiping away the tears that never seemed to cease from falling down his cheeks. He slowly adjusted himself, swinging his feet over the side of his bed, his gaze staring at the marble floor of his bedroom.

He had been awake for three days straight.

He'd worked tirelessly trying to find any way to locate you, anyway to bring you back to safety....back to him. He had begun to completely forget about whatever "trial" he was enduring from the Council. At this point, he did not care if Jimin became king...he just wanted you to be okay.

It seemed that he had become so focused on finding you that he had completely ignored his own needs. He had not eaten or even taken a drink since he found out of The Followers' plans for you.

He worked and worked.

Organizing search parties, studying Anubis, researching any information on The Followers. Every day brought a new challenge, a new lead. It was enough to drive him to the point of madness.

In fact, it drove him to exhaustion.

The last thing that Taehyung could remember was walking towards the temple, his mind fixated on getting more scrolls to study.....and then everything went black...

And now here he was, sobbing in his room while glaring at the floor of his bed chambers.


What if he had been there? What if he ha managed to keep you safe? What if, somehow, you were right beside him in his bed? What if he could just roll over and realize that all of this was a bad dream?

The royal let out a frustrated scream, tugging on his dirty blind locks mercilessly as more tears pooled in his eyes.

He picked his body up, off the bed, walking towards the large vanity that sat in the corner of his room, his tired eyes scanning over his disheveled state. Disgust was evident on his features.

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