6~ I Ride a Plane (It Sucks)

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"Here is everyone's boarding ticket," Namjoon turned from the travel kiosk and began handing out the passes. "Don't lose them."

"We're not the ones who lost the passport. Twice," one of the members—Jin wasn't it?— retorted.

"What about Y/N?" Taehyung glanced at me.

I flashed him a grin. He was my favorite member of them all at the moment. "I'm a Genie remember? I'll probably just go back into my lamp for the ride."

"Isn't it cramped though?" Hoseok adjusted his sunglasses.

"Genies are not solid creatures like humans, we don't live in only one dimension," I informed him. "We can compact ourselves and thus go into our lamps comfortably."

"Our flight is in about an hour, we should get moving," Namjoon announced. "Our process is going to be slower than usual."

Indeed, despite all the young men seemingly standing tall, their short time in prison showed. Jimin had a limp in his gait, several members winced at sudden movements, and even Namjoon, always holding himself proudly, couldn't stop the hisses of pain whenever he had to lift up his arms.

"Do you think they'll even let the lamp through Security?" Jungkook glanced down at the lantern.

"They won't see it," I plucked it from his hands. "Genies can hold their lamps for a certain extent of time. I'll become invisible and get it through Security."

"Sounds like a deal, let's get moving," Namjoon offered me a sweet smile, little indents forming at the corner of his mouth.

What were they called again? Ah, right, dinkles. Or wait, that didn't sound right. Oh well.

The group moved on to the escalators towards security.

For the first time I let myself take a deep breath and relax for a little bit. Everything seemed to have gone by so quickly. I still hadn't quite grasped what time period I was in. Last time I was in 2001, so I had yet to know exactly how much time had passed.

I'd served countless masters and mistresses before. But something told me that this certain adventure was going to be different than all the other adventures I'd had. Perhaps it was because in the short time I'd met my master, we'd broken out of jail, escaped in a getaway car, and now on our way to a totally new country.

A girl needs to catch her breath. Even a Genie girl.

Right before security, I turned invisible to all eyes once again, save for Jungkook since he was my 'master'. Once through, I handed my lamp back to Jungkook and we made our way to the boarding gate.

The other members shot questioning looks at Jungkook, obviously a little confused and perhaps uncertain at my eerie vanishing.

I hadn't ridden too many planes in my life before since the first passenger airplane was, what, invented in the 1910s or something.

And to be honest, I hated the few times I had been on planes.

Even just sitting with the other members and gazing out the large airport windows, watching large jumbo jets, domestic flights, and other planes roll past was enough to make my stomach quiver.

Which was a problem since the only way I could suck myself into the lamp was if I was calm. The more emotions and energy I had in me, the harder to contain myself in the lamp hence why I usually used the lamp when I was sleeping or resting.

Should've thought this more through, I scolded myself internally.

A particularly large, double-decker jumbo jet roared past and I flinched a tiny bit.

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