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Awhile later Arcee and Ultra Magnus came to in a cell in the brig. And were relieved to see Ratchet was there with them and ok.

But Knock Out was nowhere to be seen. And Arcee and Ultra Magnus explained to Ratchet what happened. And now all three of them were worried about their friend just hoping he was alive and ok.

When Alpha Q appeared outside their cell. "You all caused quite a disturbance today." He told them.

"What have you done with Knock Out?" Asked Ultra Magnus.

"Your friend is in our medbay receiving treatment for his injuries." Alpha Q replied.

"You shouldn't have been snooping around and that unfortunate accident could have been avoided." Alpha Q added.

"Accident!" "Gnaw Shot Knock Out twice!" Yelled Ratchet. "In what twisted universe does that qualify as an accident?"

"You know how unpredictable Sharkicons can be Gnaw probably misunderstood the situation." Alpha Q told them.

"Stop pretending to be trying to help us we know your planing to invade Cybertron and Earth." Growled Arcee.

"Your trial will be tomorrow at down." Alpha Q said before leaving the brig.

"We need to find a way out of here." Said Arcee.

"I have a plan." Ratchet told them.

Meanwhile in the medbay Knock Out painfully regained consciousness only to see that he was strapped down on a berth with Quintessionts around him.

He felt pain through his whole body. And was having trouble focusing but he just knew his systems had been fried.

He could feel some of the Quintessionts were drilling into him and he could also feel them poking wires into him and tampering with the ones that were already inside him.

And they were using needle to draw energon from him. And he was in so much pain he felt like he was fighting in the pits of Kaon.

Even in his currently weakened state and with the amount of pain that was surging through his frame as a medic Knock Out could tell they were hurting him more then they were helping him.

He had to try to ask them to stop it. They were damaging him and at this rate might end up killing him.

Knock Out started trying to move his servos and lift his helm up. And kept muttering. "No!" "Nnoo!" Not being able to bring his voice above a whisper and continued to moan, groan and whimper in agony. As he was trying to beg them to stop torturing him.

"Get him to quiet down." One of the Quintessionts said coldly.

Then Knock Out saw one of the Quintessionts leave then come back with a syringe that he filled with a sedative.

"No please don't!" Knock Out pleaded weakly. "Please don't give me that!" "Don't put me under!" "Please don't do this!"

"Don't worry this will help you relax." The Quintessionts said darkly as he used one of his tenticoles to hold Knock Out's now trembling body still while he used the other to give him the shot.

Knock Out felt the drug start taking effect and was trying desperately to stay alert and fight it not wanting to go into stasis terrified he might not wake up again.

He moved against his restraints a few times before what little strength he had left him and he became still. And could only stair at all the Quintessionts who were above him.

Knock Out just kept blinking and moving his optics as everything got more and more blurred and fuzzy before it all went dark as his optics rolled shut and the sedative took effect.

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