Chapter 2

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"Here let me come with you." Dabi tells me while I quickly slip my combat boots on. I walk out of his bedroom door.

"But people might see you!" I say while walking. I feel a hand grab mine.

"I am coming with you. No choice." Dabi tells me. I puff my cheeks up then Finally say,

"Fine." Dabi smirks at me and we walk out.

"I'm just going to teleport to my dorm. But before I leave I'll need to teleport you out of the school by the cherry tree." And before Dabi could answer me I use my left side and teleport to my dorm using some persons quirk I stole when I was 9. I motion Dabi to stay while I get changed in my bathroom. I remembered it's no uniform day so I just change into a different pair of fishnets, a pair of black jean short shorts, a plain black croptop, black socks, a black leather choker with spikes on it, some chain bracelets, and my black combat boots with heals all the way through the whole shoe. I also grab a black sweatshirt Dabi gave me and tie it around my waist. I walk out of the bathroom and Dabi just looks at me amazed.

"Your way too good at picking outfits." He tells me.

"I know. It's my gift." I say.

"Alright, now. I have to teleport you. So stand still OFF of my bed." I tell him. Dabi stands up. A circle of shadow goes under him and then he dissappear's. I sigh. I hear a knock at my door.


"Shut up dinamite! Or else I'll catch you on fire!!" I yell back. I open the door to see Bakugou in his regular outfit. Same with rock. When I lock the door I turn back to look at them and see both of their cheeks bright red.

"Alright, let's go. And both of you stop being tomatoes already. You've seen me wear this kind of stuff before." I say sounding dull. I put some Bluetooth headphones on and put on my favorite song, Hey Little Girl by Sophiemarie B. In the corner of my eye I read rock and Bakugou's mouths reading out "dude, why does y/n only listen to sad songs?" "Just listen to the song. There's a reason she listens to this." I look away when both of them speed up to be next to me. They both look at me concerned. I pause the music and take my headphones off. 

"What?" I say. Rock's hand come up to my cheek and he touches it. I slap his hand away and look at his finger. A tear? My eyes become wide and I wipe my cheeks. I start to run. They both can't catch up to me because I start to use my classmate, Iida's quirk. I start to run faster then Iida himself. I then use todoroki's quirk and make a wall of ice. They both stop and when I finish wiping my tears off I'm at class. I sit by the window.

30 minutes after class started kirishima and Bakugou walk into the class.

"And where were you too?" Sensei asks the 2.

"THAT LITTLE SHI-" Bakugou starts to say. Kirishima interups bakugou,

"You see Sensei, we were walking with a specific friend of ours who was listening to a song. And then she started to cry. I wiped one of her tears off but then she smacked my hand and runs ahead. Then she used Tdoroki's quirk on us and made a ice wall. We had no other choice but to wait out until her time runs out." Right when kirishima ends I quickly walk up to him and bakugou and punch them in their stomachs.

"I DON'T NEED YOUR PITTY! I DON'T FUCKING CARE ABOUT YOU 2 ANYMORE! SO DON'T CALL ME A FRIEND OF YOURS YOU BASTARDS!!!" I yell while running out of the classroom holding back tears. I teleport back to my dorm and see a letter on the ground. I pick it up. I turn it over and read who it's from. VT... I open the letter quickly and read it. 'Dear y/n l/n. We are excited to inform you that you have been accepted in this school. Your first day is next week on monday. Go to the office and recive your classes, dorm, and the dress code paper.' I get so excited I jump up and down.

"EEK!!!" I yell. I grab my phone and call Dabi.

"Hey what's up shortcake?"


"Really? Hold on. I'm near UA. Wanna teleport me into your room?"

"Yeah." I see him by the cherry tree. I use a quirk and teleport him to me. When I can fully see him I hug him making him fall down on my mattress. He rolls over so my back is on the bed. He sits up on top of me and brings his face close to mine. He puts his hands over mine so my hands are stuck to the pillow. He starts to kiss me. I hear my phone beep but Dabi takes it. He looks at the notification and reads it. His eyes narrow. He turns the phone over and let's me read it. 'Shit' I think. The text says, 'hey y/n... It's bakugou. I'm outside your door right now. Your door is unlocked." I quickly push Dabi off of me. I go over to the door.

"GO AWAY! I DON'T WANT COMPANY RIGHT NOW!" I yell. I see the door handle start to turn and I shove Dabi in my closet.

"What part of 'go away. I don't want company right now.' Do you not get? But seriously, go away."

"Nope! Hey, what's this letter?" Bakugou says as he picks up my letter from VT.


"WHAT THE FUCK Y/N?! YOUR SERIOUSLY GOING TO LEAVE THIS SCHOOL FOR VT?! VILLAIN. TRAINING?! I THOUGHT EVEN YOU WEREN'T THAT LOW!!!" Bakugou yells while pushing me on my bed which was behind me. He sits on my left side. I can see there's anger in his eyes. He pushes me so my back is on the bed. He climbs over me and grabs my shirt. He starts to kiss my lips. Dabi quietly opens the closet door to see what's happening. He quietly shuts the closet and the main dorm room doors. Bakugou starts to bring his tongue into my mouth. Dabi quietly walks over to bakugou and me. Bakugou starts to kiss my neck. I try to hold back my tears but fail. I start to cry. Right when Dabi saw tears leave my eyes he grabs Bakugou's neck from behind and throws him across the room. I act as if I was scared of Dabi.

"Leave her alone." Dabi says angrily to Bakugou. Tears continue to leave my eyes. Dabi walks over to bakugou and pops 1 memory loss pill into Bakugou's mouth.

"You will forget everything about me." Dabi says. As soon as dabi finishes that sentence bakugou falls asleep. When I see bakugou fall asleep tears stop coming from my eyes. Dabi turns around and I hug him tightly. Since I'm very short I can only hug his chest. I'm like 3 feet smaller than him, maybe even 4. I'm pretty short for my age. When I pull away I walk back to my bed and sit there. Looking at the ground. Dabi comes over by me and sits next to me on my right. I curl up into a ball and lay down on my side. He lays down on his side facing me. I quickly sit up but Dabi doesnt when I hear a knock at the door.

"Yeah?!" I yell at the door.

"Hey y/n~Chan. I came here to check on you! Are you fine?" I hear. I notice who's voice it was. It's Uraraka.

"Yeah I'm fine! But could you leave! I was taking a nap!" I yell back at the door.

"Yeah sure!" I hear. I look back at Dabi. He was by the wall laying on his back. I lay back down and put my hand on his chest.

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