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"Never disrespect Dr. Kim." Joowon stood up, wiping the blood off of his lips.

A throbbing pain concentrated in the open wound Seokjin created when colliding his closed fist with the guy's lips and jaw, causing him to bleed.

"You know it's true! He wants you for sex, Seokjin." He insisted. Namjoon snatched the bags away from Seokjin and emptied them all, on top of an empty bench outside of the clothing store they were just in. Within those full bags were inappropriate clothes, and weird objects such as a whip, a black latex bodysuit, and a mouth gag.

"He said it was what normal humans wear... Master." Seokjin lowered his head, clearly uncomfortable.

"Go to my car, stay away from this pervert." Seokjin obeyed Namjoon, heading to his car empty handed, confused, and disappointed in himself.

"This is the last time you'll ever be around him. If I catch you trying to take him away from me again, I won't hesitate in putting a restraint order on you. Do I make myself clear?" Namjoon released Joowon's collar, roughly dropping him on top of a bench.

His brother brushed himself off.

"He won't love you for long. Do you hear me!" His voice became distant the further the doctor walked. He noticed a few eyes were on him in the crowd of people, but he didn't mind that. What was on his mind, however, was Seokjin. He needed to get back to his car as soon as possible to make sure that the man was okay.


He made it back to his car only to find the man curled up in the backseat.

"Sweetheart, are you okay?" The doctor gently tapped on his shoulder, then relaxed when he heard the man breathing softly.

"He's asleep. I won't bother him, he's already been through enough."

The doctor drove off, spotting Joowon's car a few miles away from his. He avoided it and drove faster.

"He won't lay a hand on Seokjin ever again." He stopped at a red light, checking up on Seokjin in the backseat every now and then. The man hasn't moved a muscle.

Namjoon didn't think much about it, he just found it normal. The man was most likely drained from the long drive from Namjoon's house to this huge plaza full of people and random stores.

A bump on the road, caused the dash of Namjoon's car to pop open, exposing his camera.

Which appeared to be on...

The doctor reached out for it, still paying attention to the road. He managed to grab it, automatically playing a video that was recorded today.

"I haven't recorded anything today. What could this be?" He clicked on it. Seokjin appeared in it.

"Good afternoon, doctor Kim. You've been gone for a while and I just found this camera in your car, so I wanted to record a video." The man lowered his head, breathing slow.

«Dr. Kim, Don't Fear Me»  [K.n.j & K.s.j] Where stories live. Discover now