22. What The Public Really Thinks

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Day 39 continued

"Right." Ricky starts, holding up a board with a tweet on it with blacked out words. Apparently the blacked out bits are people's names, and we have to guess who the tweet is about. "First tweet is, anyone else find it a bit suspect that blank is best buds with blank after bitching about her behind her back?"

"Thats definitely me and Asher." I instantly shout out, "I chatted shit about her all the time in the first week." I say being totally honest, and I look at Asher to see her reaction.

"Same here hun," She admits, "don't worry, I won't take it to heart."

"That's correct." Ricky announces, causing us all to cheer. "Next tweet is, why do I get the impression that blank and blank are only in it for the money? That's one fake relationship right there."

"I literally have no idea." Sophie says, leading the discussion. "You guys have seen more than us," She says to the boys, "what do you think?"

"Maybe Alex and Zoe cause it took so long for them to couple up again after the first week." Michael says honestly, and we all appreciate his honesty, even Zoe.

"That makes sense." Zoe adds, "I don't agree with it at all but I can see why people might think that."

"Unfortunately that's incorrect." Ricky informs us, and we all look at each other, exchanging looks. Trying to figure out who it could be about. "The correct answer was actually Dougie and Liliana."

"What?"Jodie exclaims, breaking the silence.

"That's insane." Liliana argues seeming really annoyed, and she has good reason to be. Dougie and Liliana are such a good couple, they're so good together. "I absolutely love that boy and if they can't see that then they must be blind."

"Right, next one." Ricky starts, trying to make Liliana forget about it. "As if blank got away with telling everyone he's never cheated on his exes. They're in for a surprise."

"Fuck." Asher whispers, "I swear to god, if this is about Taylor I'm going to flip."

"It won't be Taylor." I reassure her, "he would never lie to you."

"I think it might be Shayne." Sophie says, shocking us all. "I know I should trust him, but he always acts really sketchy when we bring up cheating."

"That's the correct answer." Ricky tells us all, "sorry Sophie." 

"It's not your fault," Sophie shrugs, trying to seem as if she's okay with it, but we can all tell that deep down it's hurt her. No one likes being lied to. "You're not the one who lied to me so you shouldn't be the one saying sorry."

Aidan's sat next to Sophie, and he places a hand around her shoulder in an attempt to reassure her. "It's okay, everything's going to be okay."

"Next up," Ricky announces, moving the game along as instructed. "blank is so out of blank's league, what is she playing at? You could do so much better." As soon as he says this, it goes silent, that tweet is absolutely ruthless. The other tweets were nothing in comparison, this just sounds like a personal attack on one the couples and everyone is praying that it's not them.

"I literally have no idea." Zoe states, saying what we're all thinking. I really don't know who this could be, and I don't think I want to know either.

"It's Vee." Charlie says confidently, and everyone turns to look at him. "When I was back in England everyone was banging on about how much they love you because you're so relatable. Then when James nearly punched you, everyone turned on him. I bet it's to do with that."

"That's the correct answer." Ricky confirms, I don't know how to react. I merely look down at my feet, not wanting to look anybody in the eye. I wish I could be on my own right now, but we've got to finish this stupid game. 

I just don't understand why people would say that, even though they probably meant it as a compliment towards me, it really hurts like a knife straight through my heart. James is literally the most perfect guy in the world and I adore him so much, to hear that people are questioning our relationship really sucks. "What's wrong?" Asher asks in a whisper, "they're saying how they think you're amazing."

 "I know," I admit with a sad expression, and I take a deep breath before saying, "I'll explain later, okay?"

She nods her head, then takes my hand in hers and gives it a squeeze, not letting go for the rest of the game. The game carries on for about fifteen minutes, and we ended up scoring eight points, which I really don't think will be enough to win the cocktails tonight. But I'm not that bothered, I'm not really in the mood for it now anyway.

When we get back to the villa, everyone gets ready for the evening, changing out of their bikinis and into their dresses. I quickly through on a royal blue body con dress with a pair of white heels then head to the bathroom, where I know Asher is. "There you are." She says as I walk in, "you ready to explain what's going on?"

I lean against the sink, and Asher puts her hairbrush down, giving me her complete, undivided attention. "Ever since day one I've thought that James was the literal definition of perfection. Everything about his personality is amazing, he's so funny and caring and kind. And I've always wondered why he was settling for me when he could have someone so much better than me." I start to explain, ready to let it all out, "And I've tried to push it to the back of my brain and forget about it, and it worked until today when I heard that tweet. It just reminded me that even though they think I'm too good for him, I know deep down that I'll never be good enough for him."

"Vee, I don't know who's got it into your head that your not as amazing as you are," She starts, not taking her eyes off of me for a second, making sure I know that what she says is sincere. "I've noticed it a lot actually, you're constantly saying things about yourself that aren't true. You're by far the most attractive girl in this place, you don't even have to wear makeup and you still look like a ten out of ten. And then there's your kindness, you're so caring and forgiving. I definitely didn't deserve to be forgiven for everything I've done, but you forgave me anyway because that's just the kind of person you are. You should never feel like you're not good enough, you are always good enough, no matter who you're partnered up with."

"But Asher," I start, not thinking she fully understands. "It goes beyond that." I explain, standing up now, "Ricky told me that James is actually a millionaire, apparently he inherited his dad's company when he died. He's probably used to girls with lots of money who can afford nice things; I'm just an ordinary girl that lives in a three bedroom house with her parents and daughter."

"You're right," She admits, and I'm slightly confused as to why she went from arguing with me to agreeing with me so fast, it doesn't seem like what Asher would normally do. She usually caries on arguing her point even if she knows she was wrong just for the sake of being stubborn. "You're not like the girls he knows back in England, and you're probably nothing like the girls he's dated in the past. But none of those girls are his girlfriend now, there's a reason it didn't work out with them. The fact that you grew up without money makes you incredibly humble, and that's probably one of the many reasons why he loves you. So don't worry about not having money, it won't be a problem."

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