108 ~ Heartbreak

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Daisy/DAPHNE Maple everyone ^^

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Daisy/DAPHNE Maple everyone ^^

It was a party. The celebration for the end of N.E.W.T.s and every Seventh Year was there. Doing the Twist and Shout in Gryffindor Common Room. It was a month until the end of the year...until graduation. And somehow crazy shit was still happening to Eloise Potter. This time, a little something she liked to call: heartbreak.

It all started when the Ravenclaw crew turned up to the party, one of which being none other than Daisy *ahem* Daphne *ahem* Maple. She walked through the door in a dress that ended just below her arse and hardly really began. To say it was slutty was a large under-exaggeration and Eloise almost immediately rolled her eyes when it graced her line of sight. Speaking of sight, Daisy had hers trained of Sirius from the moment she had walked in. Her blue eyes were practically glued to his tight, navy button up and wavy and slightly wet hair. Though his steel eyes were trained on something else entirely. The something else that walked down the girls' dormitory stairs in a veery tight, black, leather dress...(so she didn't really deserve to judge Daisy but that didn't cross her mind as she was too busy snarling). Her hair was platinum blonde and ruffled up and she may or may not have added a slight tan to her skin, her excuse was that she was in Scotland! Needless to say, when Sirius caught sight of Eloise, he was a tad more than speechless and didn't move from his in awe position for at least two minutes until Eloise pecked him on the cheek and he finally regained his composure.

 Her hair was platinum blonde and ruffled up and she may or may not have added a slight tan to her skin, her excuse was that she was in Scotland! Needless to say, when Sirius caught sight of Eloise, he was a tad more than speechless and didn't mov...

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Bit of a visual representation for ya...yw

Sirius was completely oblivious to Daisy's unwavering stare on him as he was dancing with Eloise but after he saw her hazel and green eyes narrowed and trained on the same spot in the corner of the room, he began to suspect something was up.

"Lou..." he waved a hand in front of her face and she blinked, turning her attention back to him and sending him an obviously forced smile,

"Yeah, Pup?" she asked and Sirius smirked at the use of his new pet name,
"You alright, love?"

"Me? Yeah, yeah, yeah." Eloise shook her head slightly so her hair got even messier, "Peachy." she grinned and Sirius raised an eyebrow,

"Really? Because there's that gleam in your eye."

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