011. Unnoticed Ghost

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GEMINI SMIRKED AT Tony's attitude over the passing days. It had been approximately three days since Gemini had arrived at the compound and none of the team had noticed her. The bet between Tony, Nat and Clint had been made, Gemini secretly rooting for Nat, along with Lila who wanted to see her dad lose. Cooper rooted for Clint and Laura thought all three of them were childish and immature. 

As the fourth day of her stay started, Gemini decided to leave her hair down in all it's craziness as she sat in the kitchen at the breakfast bar. Laura then walked in with little Nathaniel in her arms. She smiled at the younger girl who ate her breakfast quietly until the toddler boy in her arms noticed and started whining to be handed to the woman. Laura looked at her apologetically but Gemini waved it off, signing to her that it was fine. 

Nathaniel sat happily in the girl's lap as she continued eating, every now and again she would hand a small spoonful to Nathaniel, which he would accept happily. Soon she was joined by Bruce, who was one of the many to still not notice her. His head was lodged into a book as he walked to the counter and grabbed an apple before walking away. She smirked as he walked out, still not realising that she was there, she looked down to Nathaniel before pulling out her phone. 

"What'd you think Bud? Do you think the Avengers are losing their touch?" The voice asked. Nathaniel looked up to Gemini and nodded. He understood slightly why Gemini didn't speak but not to the full extent, mostly due to age. Gemini chuckled slightly before kissing Nathaniel's head.

Natasha entered the kitchen and sat beside the girl and her namesake. She smiled down at the little boy before looking up at Gemini. "So?"

Gemini chuckled. "Bruce walked in, grabbed an apple then walked out. Completely oblivious to me." Gemini smirked at the woman's shocked expression.

"Jesus Christ, we need more training." Gemini laughed at that as Nathaniel looked up curiously. He pushed himself onto the breakfast bar and turned to face the two woman, playing with Gemini's bushy hair in the process She smiled before picking the boy up and handing her to Natasha.

"Spend some time with your namesake. You probably don't see enough of him." She told her. Natasha smiled as Nathaniel waved goodbye to Gemini as she began to walk out the room, not before grabbing a plum from the fruit bowl of course.

"Bye bye, Auntie Gem." She heard him say as she smiled, biting into the plum and walking towards the exit of the compound.


Gemini sat on a stool behind the register of Braddock's as another customer just left. Her legs were propped on a shelf and her chin was resting in her palm. She hated when the store was quiet, but she didn't like it when it was busy either. This was one of the quieter days when people couldn't be bothered to get out of bed and go shopping. 

She yawned as Joe came and joined her, sitting on the second stool.

"What's up Zodiac? Tired?" He asked and she nodded placing her chin now on her folded arms. He patted her back. "Do you want a Red Bull? I've got about three in my bag." He asked and she nodded spaced out. Joe smiled at the girl's state before standing and going to the bag. He pulled out a can before walking back and placing it next to her. "You don't look tired, that's the thing."

"One word description for my tiredness. Depression." She explained and he sighed hugging the girl into his side. Gemini knew why her depression drained her of her energy and she didn't like it. She liked being adventurous, but she could understand why it happened. She opened the can and began chugging it quickly. Joe smirked at her actions.

"I can tell you from experience, it'll get better. Just try not to fall off the wagon, you saw what happened to me, if you don't do that you'll get better quicker." He told her. She nodded, knowing what he meant. 

She looked at her watch before sighing in relief. Closing time. She removed the uniform quickly before flipping the sign on the door. Her and Joe made their way outside, Dixon shortly behind them. Joe hugged her tight.

"See you soon, alright. Text me if you're feeling down and don't do anything ridiculous, okay?" He told her and she nodded before they went their separate ways. 


Arriving back in the compound, Gemini immediately heard the sounds of an argument coming from the kitchen. She silently groaned.

"Who ate my plums?" She heard a voice ask. "Sam!" She smirked at the accusation.

"I don't want your plums, you dinosaur!" Sam yelled back and Gemini sighed as she realised she had taken whoever this man was, his plums. 

She rolled her eyes before walking into her room quietly and falling onto her bed. Her head was all over the place, and was in agony due to a migraine. The argument she had returned to hadn't helped, in fact it had made it much worse.

She groaned as she rubbed her temples, trying to ease the pain in even the slightest way. She hadn't realised that Clint had seen her come in and was checking on her. He looked to her in sympathy whilst she was in pain before closing over the door. 

"Will you two shut the hell up!?" He screamed causing the arguing pair to cease. "Thank you." He told them as Gemini heard the kitchen go silent. 

Clint then walked into her room before sitting himself at the end of the bed. Gemini glanced at him. "Tough day?"

She nodded. "You don't even know the half of it." She pulled a face as a flash of pain pricked in her head. "Kill me gently."

Clint patted her leg. "I'll try and keep the kids away so you can sleep. And I'll try and keep the arguing down by using the excuse that Nate's asleep." He offered as Gemini smirked at him.

"Thank you, Clint." He nodded before kissing her head and walking towards the door. He turned the lights in her room off, the only light being emitted from the fairy lights on the wall, just before leaving her to sleep.

Day four had been a success.


I hope you enjoy this chapter

The next one out soon

Kayla Lou xxx

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