Part 8

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VANESSA has three pieces of paper in her hands. She stands in the middle of the shop and LUCY nervously stands behind her. There is a crowd of children surrounding the SHOP KEEPER. Some kids are burning some goat drawings in the far corner of the shop and are snickering to each other.

VANESSA: It has to be Goat Man! I mean three cryptic notes about the new marks? Who else could it be?

LUCY: Are you sure? You never know, other people can be crafty.

VANESSA: Yeah, but Goat Man is the only one we know who can do a bunch of stuff like this!

LUCY: Is Goat Man a wizard or a god? Like we don't know what exactly he does honestly...

VANESSA (thinks for a moment): He's a goat.

LUCY: That doesn't really help...

VANESSA: Well, Conner and the others found this note and I'm going to ask the shop keeper about it.

LUCY (uncomfortable): I don't trust him. I don't like being here in general really.

VANESSA: I don't either. That's why I haven't changed my mark yet. But, no worries! We just have to tough through it.

LUCY: Wait, you're still a wandering soul?

VANESSA (shows her arm): Yep!

LUCY: Wow, almost everyone is getting an orb.

VANESSA: Yeah well, I'm only here for answers. I don't need to explore what everyone else is doing. Anyways, I already know everything about the items. Collar gives you path of the goat, box gives you path of the machine, and orb gives you the path of the void. Says so all in these weird notes here and the items themselves!

LUCY: I don't trust the notes either... They showed up too perfectly. Plus the writing is all...creepy.

VANESSA: It seems like Elgin life for you. Everything is just creepy in general. Hell, even half the things we do are creepy. Burning drawings of goats? Visiting a rusted statue of a robot? Tattoos?

LUCY: Tattoos aren't creepy.

VANESSA: Yeah, but can you explain why we're obsessed with them?

LUCY: To feel special? I don't know.

VANESSA: We're creepy, I'm telling you.

LUCY: Okay...

VANESSA: Time to ask Curio shop guy what's going on–

JORDANIA: Hey Ness! What brings you around here?

VANESSA: Are you up to something? I know that smile anywhere.

JORDANIA (feigns hurt): What? Me? Up to something? I'm starting to think that a certain someone has alienated all my friends.

VANESSA: Then what are you doing here?

JORDANIA: To watch chaos of course. Nothing more fun than that! What about you two?

LUCY: We were just thinking of asking the shop keeper some questions.

JORDANIA: The guy is swamped with little snots. You guys think you'll be able to ask him anything?

VANESSA: We'll yell at them to get out of the way.

LUCY: What?

JORDANIA: Oh, this'll be fun to watch.

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