A Dragon's Rider pt 4

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It took a few hours of flight but I finally neared Gilda.

The dragon town was nestled in a large mountain range once known as the Rockies. But now the humans only call it the Devil’s Nest.

This is only because it is home to the largest city of dragons in the world. After many earthquakes the mountains now resemble a wall around the city. But it’s not even a city by human terms.

With large mountains surrounding them, smaller mountains and hills provided perfect homes with their many caves and cliffs to offer sanctuary to any dragon that needs a home.

The only real building was the council hall. It was a large white building similar to those of the human’s white house. But in dragon’s proportions.

The Dragon’s council is held here. And as our form of government, they are highly respected.

I fly near the city gates. The huge gates block the only safe entrance into Gilda. Trying to fly over the mountains would be suicide even for the best dragons. The tips of the mountains reach far in to the sky and the spaces in between are protected or blocked off completely.

Once I land one of the gate dragons looks over me. His green scales reflect the sun. “Who wishes to enter Gilda? What is your name dark dragon?”

I lower my head a little. “Glace Spirit. I was a resident under my teacher, Mistress Truce Guyan.”

The earth dragon eyed me for a second. “So you’re that dragon that disappeared a few years ago? I guess you don’t know but Ms. Guyan died about 2 human years ago. She left everything to you though.”

I frowned. “Oh, I didn’t know. Well I’m hoping that you’ll let me in so I can attend to matters.”

The green dragon stepped away from the gate. “Sorry. Go ahead in Glace.”

Once in the gates, I flew over to the cave I remember to be Teachers. I land and look around. Most of her stuff has been untouched. I walk over to the giant pillow that I used to sleep on. On it was a note.

‘Glace, if you are reading this, I have probably passed on and you have finally come home. I hope that whatever made you disappear so long ago didn’t hurt you. I know I never showed it but I loved you like a daughter. I hope you have luck with your journeys. Sincerely, Teacher.’

I sighed sadly. If only she knew that I had found a rider. Teacher would have so much to say. Both good and bad.

Slowly I turn back to the cave entrance. Teacher would prefer me to pass her belongings to someone who would use them if I didn’t want them.

So I fly down to the council hall and enter the building. A lilac colored dragon guarded the meeting hall’s doors.

I walk up and bow my head to the large dragon. “I request a meeting with the council on behalf of personal news and a request as the student and adopted daughter of Mistress Guyan.”

The dragon coughed and scanned her eyes over me. “Glace, I suppose. The members are in a meeting currently. As for the matters of Truce Guyan, I can handle them myself as the secretary. What is the request?”

I tilt my head a little. “I wish for her belongings and home to go to someone who needs them. If the cave is unneeded then leave it and a single bed. Everything else can go.”

The dragon nodded. “The cave will remain then. We have had a large amount of caves open up recently. As for your request with the council, you may be here a while.”

I nodded and walked over to a corner and sat down. “Then I will wait. My matters with them are important at all costs.”

The dragon looked at me then shook her head.

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