Ch. 32

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Y/n's POV:

"YOU'RE READY TO FINALLY COME OUT OF THE CLOSET?!" Laura yells, hurting my eardrum.

"Ow! Laura don't yell so loud, but yeah I am."

"I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!!" She screams again, and pulls me into a tight hug.

"Hey! Careful I'm fragile right now!"

"Oh calm yourself, you broke your hand, not your ribs." She says rolling her eyes.

"Yeah but with how tight you were hugging me, I'm lucky nothing broke,"

She flips me off then turns back to working on her makeup. After a few minutes she speaks up again.

"So, are you nervous?" She asks.

"Well yeah, we've never performed in front of this many people before." I tell her, while doing my mascara.

"I was talking about coming out" she says.


"I'm sure you've already thought about it but, you do realize that you'll be in the public eye a lot.." she says.

I have thought about it. It's been on my mind ever since Ariana wanted to tell her family. I know my life will never be the same again, but I don't want to hide anymore. There's so many things I've wanted to do with her that I haven't been able to because of our relationship being a secret.

"Yeah, I have."

"And you're sure you're ready?" She asks.

"More than ready. It may be hard at first, but I want to be able to take my girl out on the town, the beach, see a movie outside of her apartment, and so much more." I tell her.

"Well, you know I got your back. Now let's go. We have 20 minutes until the biggest show of our lives."

Right... I think I may be more nervous about this show than I am about coming out.

Ariana's POV:

"Ari calm down" Bri try's telling me.

But it's no use, I'm having a full on panic attack and it's starting to get hard to breath and see.

"What should we do?" Scott says.

"Mhmmm...Oh, I have an idea. I'll be right back!" Bri shouts.

My surroundings feel crowded and the room feels like it's a million degrees. I try to breath but it's like I forgot how. My vision is starting to fade from the lack of air and I can't calm myself down. I can only see darkness, and my hearing starts to go as well, until I feel a pair of arms wrap around my body and the sweet voice of my baby.

"Hey, baby you need to breath. You're having a panic attack. I'm here now, you don't need to be scared anymore." Y/n says into my ear.

I start to feel my heart begin to slow and my breathing steady.

"That's right baby, deep breaths. Everything is gonna be okay." She tells me.

My vision comes back and I realize that I'm now in Y/n's arms on the floor. She continues to string her fingers through my hair, until my breathing is back to normal.

"Y-Y/n I-I" she shakes her head and leans down and kisses the top of my head.

"I told you I'd be here for you, didn't I?" She says.

"Y-Yeah, thank you" I tell her.

"Did you start panicking about performing?" She asks.


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