6 Overreacting

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Hey Kat. Look, I'm sorry for acting like I did when we saw each other but you know I just wanna make things right between us. I wish you could give me a chance so we at least somehow restore our relationship. I miss talking to you so it would mean a lot if I knew it was true when you said we'd hear from each other later. A coffee wouldn't hurt, right? :)

I want to groan in annoyance when the words sink in. He really thinks I would give him a chance? I don't miss him or his friendship and I definitely don't have the need to restore it. It would be beyond awkward to try and talk to him about us again. I need to make sure he knows I'm done with everything we had.

"Can I see?" Alex asks me with a careful voice and I just push the phone into her lap before turning to Wes, who still has his eyebrows raised.

"He has false hope." I tell him, wanting to make things clear.

"You told him you'd hear from each other?" He asks, his tone no less angry than before. I can feel the jealousy radiating from him but it's annoying me, because he is jealous for something he's only assuming. And considering his stubbornness, it will be hard for me to prove my point.

"I had to do something to make him let go. He was literally -"

I press my lips in a tight line. I was about to say he was holding me so I literally couldn't leave, but I'm experiencing Wes's jealousy for the first time and quite honestly, I'm a little scared.

"What? He was what?" Wes pushes.

"Did he hurt you?" Mel asks and I throw a glance at him, seeing that he's holding my phone, which means he has read the message. I doubt he knows who Ash is but he's sensing his cousin's anger for sure, and Wes knows exactly who Ash is.

"He didn't." I reply, slowly turning my head towards the boy who looks like he's fuming. "He was just persistent."

"Persistent? The fuck does he want?" Wes spits out the words, still keeping a distance between us. I just look at him, trying to communicate with my eyes. I need him to calm down because it's not really that big of a deal.

"To get back with her." Alex mumbles, scrunching the material of her shirt in her hands.

"Oh, he's an ex." Carter notices and I just nod weakly.

"Not a literate ex, I've never been in a relationship." I tell them and he just nods.

"Yeah, I know that." He understands and I stare down at my bracelet before looking up at Wes again. He's not looking at me now, instead his eyes are trained on the carpet, his eyebrows furrowed to the maximum. I roll my eyes before speaking.

"What now? You can't be mad at me. I didn't do anything." I say.

"Did you see him lately?"

"Well, yeah. That's when I told him -"

"Why didn't you tell me about that?"

I stare back at him. Now I'm confused. It's not like I made out with the guy, we just bumped into each other.

"Why would I have to tell you that?" I wonder, but my tone is quiet. I'm not sure why there is a need for that, but he seems to not have understood my confusion, because he stands up and looks down at me.

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