Chapter Nine

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Willow wiped my belly clean with one swift flick and she and Carson helped me right myself. My heart pounded against my ribs. Anton watched me from his place beside the guard, Teagan. His eyes were dark.

I started forward, walking past August and out into the open. Or so I tried. August grabbed me more roughly than I expected. He snatched the collar of my shirt and jerked his face into mine.

"You wouldn't have something to do with this, would you?" he hissed. The way the words came out felt like a physical blow. His grip at my neck tightened until his knuckles pressed into my throat.

My response gargled in my windpipe as I struggled to get words out. Anton's hands came at August before Carson's did. I shook my head quickly and they dropped to his sides. Carson stood chest to chest with his father.

"Release her. Now," he growled.

August stared his son down for several long moments before he sighed and released me. I fell to my knees with the sudden extra weight and Anton dropped beside me.

"Are you okay?" he asked as August trudged from the room. Carson stared after him until his footsteps retreated.

I nodded and took his hand as he helped me to my feet.

"My liege," Teagan called from the door. He was watching me with a hurt expression. He didn't want to interrupt but it was urgent. I gave him a sad smile and his gaze softened a little.

"Yes, okay," Carson said coming to my side. "Willow, take Anton and Kyra to route 1B. Teagan, you, me, and the men are going to find out what's going on."

He started forward but I grabbed his sleeve. He turned softly to me. He ran his thumb over my cheek. "You'll be okay. I will come get you myself."

"Be careful," I replied. He smiled, leaned forward, and pressed a kiss to my forehead. Then he and the retinue of soldiers retreated back down the stairs.

"Come on," Willow urged, dashing past me and grabbing my arm as she ran. I followed behind, struggling to keep up. Anton remained by my side without speaking.

Willow led us down the endless stairs and along a crimson-carpeted hall. She stopped before a painting that resembled Carson or maybe his father in his younger years. She pressed a wooden panel along the frame and a keypad appeared. She stabbed in a few numbers and the wall dissolved.

It was like a curtain parting. All of the furniture occupying the space smoother to the side along the wall-like door. Beyond was a small stone hall stretching off into the dark.

"Let's go," Willow ordered waiting for Anton and I to enter the tunnel before she turned, pressed buttons I couldn't see and swept past us, burrowing into the earth.

"What is this place?" I asked as we jogged.

"Carson isn't the first to defy his father," she said.

I stared in wonder at the construction we passed. This tunnel had been here for decades if not centuries. It had been updated and thin lights had been installed as a guide but the bones of the structure were old.

Willow trumped along silently but I couldn't help my curiosity. "Who are you?" I asked.

She didn't stop walking but she peered over her shoulder as she replied. "I am Willow Willoughby, daughter of Ashai Willoughby, niece of Samuel Willoughby. I used to be my uncle's apprentice. Until he went mad anyway."

"How do you know Carson?"

Willow gave me a knowing smile. "We're friends. We've been friends for more than a century now. When he asked me to guard and care for his child and the child's mother, I wasn't going to say no."

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