Red x Yellow

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She sat there in the cold, pouting, and staring at the blank face of Red. "I'm not doing it." He responded, for the 20th time. "But you promised!" Yellow whined, trying to add a bit of anime sparkle to her eyes. "I PROMISED you, Pika and Chuchu could do it. Not me." He replied, tugging his hat over his eyes. "Your no fun anymore..." Yellow sighed softly, turning away and hugging her knees. Red could hear her soft, innocent whimpers surround him. Guilt sunk in. He HAD promised her, but he felt so.. Childish doing it. With a final sigh, he pulled a large top hat out and plopped it on top of Yellow's head. "Fine, but only a few." Yellow's eyes lit up instantly.

Red and Yellow sent out 3 pokemon each. Red, having Pika, Blastoise, and Charizard. And Yellow, with Chuchu, Bulbasaur, and Pidgeot.

Yellow put all her weight against the large snowball, trying to push it again. No luck. She slipped on ice and fell on her face, earning a chuckle from Red, who placed the snowball on top a larger one. Yellow smiled, seeing Red's face... Happy, sent butterfree fluttering in her stomach.

Pika and Chuchu, along with Bulbasaur, pushed a smaller snowball together, with Pidgeot lifting it up after, placing it on the top of the other two they had made. Yellow took out some coal, a carrot, and two buttons out if her bag, placing them accordingly on the smallest snowball to resemble a face. Red snapped some twigs off a tree, placing them on the sides of the second snowball. "Charizard, now!" Red commanded.

Charizard spewed out a tiny flame, landing on the snowy tail of the figure. "See? Now wasn't that fun?" Yellow nudged Red. He pulled his hat over his eyes and nodded. "I guess so." Yellow frowned. She turned and grabbed a scarf from her bag, wrapping it around Red's neck. He raised a brow, looking at the strangely deformed scarf given to him. "... Just a small thing I made, in case you.. Uh.. get cold?" Yellow grinned nervously. Charizard looked at his pokemon friends. Obviously he had the power to burn a tree if it was required to keep it's trainer warm. The pokemon all shrugged.

Red, however, kept silent. Yellow's expression faded, slowly looking down. 'Does he.. Not like it?' She thought sadly. "... Thanks.. I love it." Red suddenly spoke. Everyone seemed surprised. "You.. Do?" Yellow's eyes widened. Red nodded slowly, tugging it over his nose. ".. Keeps more of my face hidden.." He added, causing Yellow to giggle. "Great.. I should get going. Promised Blue I'd help him make some cookies for family." She returned her pokemon, Chuchu waving goodbye to Pika.

Red watched as Yellow walked off slowly, only to quickly dash after her. "Hold on..." He slowly took out a hat, brand new. "..." He gave it to her silently, not saying a word. Yellow was about to take it, when he swiftly pulled the hat up to hide their faces, unknown to their pokemon what was happening. Behind said hat, were sparks flying. Red quickly kissed Yellow, plopping the hat into her head, both blushing lightly. "... Bring me back a cookie..." He shot a smile her way, returning back to his spot on the mountain. Yellow smiled, picking up Chuchu and nodding, turning to leave Mt. Silver.

A confused Pika nudged Red's leg. "... Nothing happened." Red replied. Pika folded his little arms and raised a brow. Red ruffled his partner's head with a small smirk. "... You wouldn't understand... Not yet." He admired the scarf around his neck as his partner spoke in it's language, unknown to him, saying one thing.

Don't deny it! You like her!

Red simply ignored his partner, looking at the flimsy work of the scarf. It had many holes in it, surely making it useless for the cold. But if it was so poorly made.. How come he felt so warm inside? He looked at the figures to his left, and sighed. '... I wouldn't understand. Not yet...'

There stood 3 pokemon. The starters. Charmander, Bulbasaur, and Squirtle. And behind them stood Red and Yellow, posed as if battling the ultimate challenge, with their pikachu's perched on their shoulders. But what were they fighting?...

Red looked at the blizzard before him.


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