Funtime Freddy x mechanic! reader.

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°Been a while huh? Sorry guys! My internet has been being stupid. Anyway someone wanted another Ft.Freddy x reader, so here ya go hun!

°For anyone else who loves Funtime psycho I mean, Freddy, theres this amazing story you should read! Its called Funtimes never die! Its really good, needs updated tho.. I absolutely love the story!


You had gotten a mechanics job at Circus Baby's Pizza World, a few months ago.

There were many other mechanics, but there was always one robot who was hard to work on.

Funtime Freddy.

Every single one of his mechanics had quit or gave up on him.

So, your boss Mr.Afton, had hired you as soon as possible to take care of the pinkish purple and white bear.

Which you absolutely loved! Everyone was surprised to see you not run for the hills when your boss sent you to the breaker room on that first day.

And you were pretty close to Freddy, he always listened to you, following your obstructions with ease, and he didn't break down as much as the others did.

Because of this, you've gained the title of "The bear whisperer." Which was silly, but it was kind of true.


You sat at one of the party tables eating a slice of your favorite pizza, just watching Baby, Foxie and Ballora perform.

You stared at the three, thoughts running through your mind.

'Why was Freddy the only male in the group?' 'Why can't I figure out how to fix his stutter?'

Things like that.

Then your pager went off.

You looked at your pager, then grabbed your walkie talkie off of your belt. "Y/n here."

"Um yeah, miss bear whisperer? Can you come down  here? Freddy is twitching again." Frank muttered, with a tired tone.

You sigh. "Alright, I'll be down there in a second. Anything else wrong?"

"Nah, bon bon bit me, but thats about it."

You giggle. "Okay, just put a bandaid on that. It shouldn't get infected I polished his teeth."

"You're weird."

"Thank you."

You put the walkie talkie back, then walk to Freddy's stage room, since using the stairs required effort, you wanted to take the fun way.

The stage elevator.

They often used these to get the animatronics to the work room, shining them, tunning them up, cleaning them and repairing them.

You hopped on the purple stage with a grin, and your hands on your hips as you pressed the button on your controller.


When the elevator reached the breaker room Frank was glaring at you. "Seriously y/n?"

"Yes." You smile and step off the elevator, with your arms crossed. "Okay, so what seems to be the problem?"

The brunette groans. "He's twitching again, voice skipping and his head tilts randomly, and his middle finger keeps greeting me!"

You cover your mouth with your hand, looking over at Freddy, trying not to laugh.

Freddy winked at you then went back into 'barbie mode' when Frank turned to glare at the bear.

"Okay, I'll take a look at him. Thanks Frank."

He rolls his eyes. "Whatever.." He leaves the breaker room and slams the door.

"Jeeze, looks like Oscar the grouch needs to go back to his trash can." Bon bon mumbles.

You smile at the bunny. "Yo bon, you wanna rummage through my purse again? I put a few things in there for ya."

His eyes light up and he hops off Freddy's hand and into your purse.

You chuckle then walk over to Freddy, putting a hand on his cheek. "And how's my cheeky bear doing?"

Freddy grins and hugs you, very tightly. "V-very g-g-great! But F-frankie is a party p-p-pooper!"

You were moved to his lap. "Are you sure? Frank said you were acting up again."

Freddy's ears fold back, and his already pinked cheeks glow. "...I I k-kinda f-f-faked that?"

"What?" Your e/c eyes stare into his ocean blues. "Freddy, why would you fake your malfunctions?"

He looks to the side. "S-so-o I c-c-could see you.. It g-gets l-lonely w-without you! And I m-miss-s You!"

You blush. "Freddy.. Do you.. Do you have a crush on me?"

His eyes shoot to yours, irises turning a bit pink. "...y-yes.. Its w-wrong I k-know-w-w. I don't like the w-way Justin lo-looks at you.. It really grinds my gear-r-rs."

You smile and press a soft kiss to his nose. Making his face plates open with steam, the steam making little hearts, then his face shut again.

"Woo wee! Bawn bawn she likes me! She really likes me!" He squeals, body temperature growing hotter.

Bon bon's head pops out of your purse, a few tootsie pops hanging out of his mouth. "I knew it! Ennard owes me twenty bucks!"

You turn back to Freddy, and he turned back to you. "I-l- L-ove y-y-you y/n."

You hug him basically straddling him. "Love you too pinkie."

Justin walks in. "Hey y/n I was wondering if- oh. Heh, maybe I should call you " The bears lover". He laughs.

Bon bon glares at him.

You blush and hide your face into Freddy's bowtie, Freddy pats your back then throws the microphone stand at him.

... So apparently Justin can't dodge.

Who knew?

End. :3

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