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AN: Sorry if the first chapter was short. ^~^  I know I'm not that good of a writer but bare with me please?



I walked into the kitchen Jack following behind me, we decided to get a place together. "BAD FUCKING  IDEA" he barely helps but I guess he tries...nope not really.

"Jack could you be less of an idiot and put the rest away?"


For him liking me he's still a asshole "Yea, yea I got it." I put the rest away and walked back to the living room and got on netflix not paying attention to what Alex is doing until  he walks out in his underwear and bends over to get a towel and washcloth I can't help but stare at his nice ass. WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING?! No I don't feel that way about him right, wrong shit he looks really hot wait do I have a boner? Shit I do! I grab the couch cushion next to me and but it over my "area" and hope Alex doesn't notice.

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