Long lost brother

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"Shift now rogue". I could feel the authority in his voice must be the beta. I didn't shift I didn't have any clothes I lost my bag a day ago fighting rogues. He must have realized and shifted in his human form. And damn he was good looking. He pointed to a tree. Signalling that there is clothes behind it.

I followed where he was pointing. And changed into basketball shorts and a baggy top.

I walked out and all of the boys mouths dropped. Am I that ugly.

"Come with us. What is your name?" the beta asked fixing his blonde hair. "My name is Kayla" I said.

"Why are you out here?" he asked.

"First tell me your name" I demanded.

" I am Luke reeds" he replied.

Oh my god my brother my long lost brother.

I was hugging him for so long.

"Well hello little sister. Do you want me to tell you why mum and dad said I died at birth?" he asked.

"Yes" I replied.

"Well I am obviously older than you by two years. Mum sent me away cause there was a huge rogue attack and she didn't want me to die so she told me to run as fast as can. Keep heading south. So I did. The old alpha found me and accepted me Into the pack I soon became the beta. And the alphas sons best friend" he said smiling.


"What happened to you"?

That sentence shocked me the memories of what they out me through. I then felt my head hit the ground and darkness taking over me.

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