#41- Forward

557 24 5

Simon's POV

Without warning the speaker began crackling above us, but it wasn't the normal cunt on the other end. This time it was different. Wrong. The crackling became louder and louder as a new voice echoed through the speaker.

'MAYDAY! MAYDAY! The souls are compromised! Invading forces are approaching from the Gateways, they're overloading the systems with their own men!'

More cracking followed as the room shook. Vikk let out a small squeak as JJ tightened his grip, looking pissed. The points; vastly improved after our heart-to-heart; disappeared off the wall, then returned, then disappeared again, blurring together as all the points shifted to 'bad'.

'They're putting too much pressure in the algorithms. Let sections P through T go- it's the only way.
It's either that or they're lost forever. We can't let them overload it.'

The voice echoing through the speaker was unfamiliar yet again- a third person controlling this shitty place. Everyone around the table stood slowly, steadying ourselves against their chairs as the room shook again. This wasn't good. The first voice replied:

'We can't!'

More crackling. I think the first voice was crying.

'What if we can't collect them again? What if the Demons-'

Screaming filled the air as the voices were cut off and the room shook again. It then cut off. Somehow that was worse.

'What's happening?' Vikk whispered into JJ's shirt.

'They're letting us go.' Tobi whispered in disbelief.

'It's not that easy. If we get out, then we face whatever that is.' Josh said. I'd bet he'd never wanted to stay in this bullshit inter-dimensional prison more that he did in that moment. Screams erupted from the speaker yet again, and the room began shaking, and shaking, and shaking, and...

A door opened. In the living room, opposite the points, a door opened. The smoke didn't rush in as we were all expecting, but tendrils of ink crept closer, staining the wall and the floor.


The third voice commanded before the speaker cut off entirely. If you can't beat them, join them. I started towards the door but Josh grabbed my arm.

'We don't know what's out there, you speng. We just heard a bunch of fucking screaming and you want to find out what caused it?' He said.

'Come on, you pussyhole.' Ethan said as he went to step over the border into the unknown. 'What's the worst that could happen?'

'Don't!' Josh shouted, but it was too late- Ethan was already out of the door, and; to our general shock and disappointment; didn't dissolve away or whatever bullshit. Instead, he stood on a solid-enough-looking little platform. As his foot hit it, it went further out, although it was still only about a metre long. The end just dropped off into the darkness.

'See?' Ethan said smugly. Prick.

'You're an idiot.' Tobi said as he followed Ethan through the doorway. He walked forward more- with every footstep he took the platform continued. We still couldn't see anything at the other end. Ah, fuck it. I stepped out too. Josh followed reluctantly.

'Wait. Jackets.' Josh said. He jogged back through the doorway and into our rooms, grabbing hoodies for everyone without one. What a dad. By the time he came back and distributed them, everyone else was on the platform and had begun walking. Harry tried to walk sideways off the platform, and had to be hauled back onto it when his foot hit thin air. Thin smoke. Whatever. Guess the only way was forward.

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