Chapter five

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"Hey stop that" Iron Man was tempted to slap Heavy's hand away from the equipment in the lab, they had gotten back to the tower hours ago only to find two unconscious and confused Bruce and Thor.

"But is interesting" Heavy pointed to the device with his thumb. "Yeah don't touch it" Tony grabbed the device away from his reach and sighed with annoyance, he followed Heavy into the living room.

"Heavy is bored" Heavy said, sitting in a chair. "When can we go look for Sasha?"

"When we figure out what caused the other strange signature, maybe more people" Natasha spoke, walking over. "For now, tell us about you"

"Da, but what do leetle people want to know about Heavy?"

Natasha leaned on the wall. "You're real name" she said. "What's you're real name and who do you work for?"

"Both Heavy cannot tell you" Heavy replied. "Now I have questions, who do you work for?"

"We're the Avengers, we don't really work for anyone" Tony explained. "Well maybes S.H.I.E.L.D but we don't really listen to them sometimes"



Somewhere in a snowy forest Soldier laid in the snow, snoring somewhat peacefully, then suddenly. "I AM GOING TO SEND YOU'RE CANADIAN ASS BACK TO NEW JERSEY no wait CANADA!" Soldier shot awake, holding his shovel out in front of him, dream world gone. Hello real world. "God damn Merasmus" Soldier mumbled, standing up he slipped in the snow, with a totally American yell he fell on his back. "MEDIC" When said doctor didn't come running Soldier lifted his helmet a bit. "Medic?" He had a feeling he broke his back, even though it wasn't broken at all. "I've fallen and I can't get up!" Wait...that sounds familiar, its American right? Soldier sat up, helmet falling back over his eyes. "I am fine" he said, finally noticing non of his comrades were around. "My back is not broken" he stood up, careful not to slip. "Where am I?" Soldier looked around. "Canada? No wait....Am I in Russia?! Germany?! Oh I can't wait to kick some as-"

"Alaska actually, you're in Alaska" A young boy said, walking out of some bushes, brushing off snow from his pants before looking over at Soldier.

"And who might you be Maggot?!" Soldier marched over to the boy, getting into his face.

"My name is Mark, I live in the town a mile from this point, I can take you there if you'd like" The boy suggested, unfazed by Soldiers yelling in his face.

Soldier was thinking of declining but then thought of his situation. "Very well, lead the way private" he stood straight. The boy couldn't tell if he was glaring or not. A figure watched them from a tree, then started following them from the treeline, watching Soldiers every move.

We can say one's definitely not Merasmus in those trees, he's not agile. Is he? He's a wizard not an acrobat. Or is he? Kinda talking to myself about this aren't I? At least Deadpool isn't here.

"Think again"

God damnit.


Nick fury stared at the computer screen, eyes narrowed. He felt frustrated, annoyed and he wanted to shoot something.

An Agent walked up to him, interrupting his quiet moment. XSir Spider-Mans team found something! Or uh... someone"

"Put on the news" Nick fury replied, the computer screen he was looking at flicked on, showing Spider-Man and Nova dodging fire from a flamethrower, the man or woman in question had a gas mask.

"If this menace wasn't enough, now Spider-Man has a fire friend who's gonna burn down the whole city!" The news reporter cried out, scowling in annoyance on the screen.

Nick Fury paused to look at the live video of Spider-Mans team fighting the gas masked man and than he turned to the agents. "Get me info on that thing" when no one moved he shouted. "Now!"

"Someone needs to take care of Spider-Man before he and his friends take out a whole city block-"

"And someone please" Fury pointed to the TV. "Turn that off" An agent grabbed the remote and did as said. The Agents in the room all got to work and Nick fury turned back to the now blank screen with narrowed eyes, this was going to be a long stupid day.


Powerman managed to break the flamethrower which for them was a huge relief and kinda a victory, Spider-Man cheered and Nova did a little victory dance, their butts had been avenged, after being set on fire for the umpteenth time.

"Boys" White Tiger rolled her eyes and glanced at the Pyro who was looking down sadly at his flamethrower.

They broke his rainblower did they not like bubbles? Mr. Spider and Glowy guy seemed to like them, he wondered if they liked lollipops instead? Everyone loves lollipops!

"Guys" Iron fist said. "He has an axe" that made everyone look over, seeing now that the Pyromaniac now had an axe was kinda unsettling.

"Oh now he's a woodcutter..." Spider-Man quipped, then dodged a swing of the axe. "Thank you Spidey sense!" A helpful tool he had in his brain to warn him of danger. A mental monkey scream sounded in his head when the Pyro swung at him about.

Iron fist used his Chi and was about to punch the Gas man when his punch was blocked. "Aye, sorry laddie" The person kicked him back and then cracked his knuckles. "Can't let ya touch Pyro now"

"Hullo!" The doctor behind him chirped. "We do not mean any harm! Yet anyways" he let out a giggle and smiled.

"Say that to the guy with the flamethrower! Or the uh Axe" Nova shouted, slowing down to think, he blinked at the new arrivals.

"If we're gonne fight at least let me drink me good ol' scrumpy" he took a big sip out of his bottle and then threw it onto the ground, the glass smattered into a million pieces.

"Hey that's littering!" Spider-Man yelled. "Someone's gotta clean that up" he turned to look at the screen. "And it isn't me"

Demoman and Medic looked at each other, then shrugged, The Scottish man grabbed his Eyelander and then charged at the five. "HAVE AT 'EM LADDDSS!" he forgot it was just him and Medic, not the whole team.

"THIS IS WORSE THEN THE FIRE!" Nova flew up to dodge the sword, Medic looked up at him and grinned a sadistic grin. It's what he does don't judge him.

"You vould make zhe perfect specimen..." The medic whispered to himself as he aimed his syringe gun at the glowing teen.

"Hey guys, creepy doctor is looking my way" Nova said, then yelped as he had to dodge a syringe. "Okay! I'm moving!"

Pyro watched all this unfold, was he forgotten? No, but he felt like it, but hey it's fun to watch.

(A/N: And then it ends here, have a good day everyone)

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